Use the viocli check health command to check the health of your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.

The viocli check health command uses the following syntax:
viocli check health -h
The following parameters apply to the viocli check health command:
Parameter Description
-l, --list

List all the check tasks or only the tagged tasks if specified with --tag flag.

-n, --name string

The name of the task, if specified, only the task can run.

-t --tag string

The tag to filter the tasks.

– timeout int

Timeout of each task in seconds. Default is 180.

-s --schedule

Schedule a job to run health check periodically.


Schedule health check run daily, used along with -s.


Schedule health check run weekly, used along with -s.


Schedule health check run monthly, used along with -s.

-x --stop-schedule

Stop scheduled health check job.


Print debug messages to the log.

-h --help

Help for health.

-v --verbose

Displays output in verbose mode.