Use the viocli delete command to remove resources from your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.

The viocli delete command supports a variety of actions to perform different tasks. The following parameters apply to all actions.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description



Runs the command without confirmation.

-v or --verbose


Displays output in verbose mode.

You can run viocli delete -h or viocli delete --help to display the parameters for the command. You can also use the -h or --help option on any action to display parameters for the action. For example, viocli delete tenant-vdc -h will show parameters for the tenant action.

The actions that viocli delete supports are listed as follows.

viocli delete orphaned-instances [--no-grace-period] [--force] [-v]

Deletes orphaned OpenStack instances.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description



Ignores the grace period when determining whether objects are orphaned. Objects modified in the past 30 minutes are included in the results only when this parameter is set.

viocli delete orphaned-managed-vms [--no-grace-period] [--force] [-v]

Deletes orphaned virtual machines that are managed by OpenStack.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description



Ignores the grace period when determining whether objects are orphaned. Objects modified in the past 30 minutes are included in the results only when this parameter is set.

viocli delete orphaned-shadow-vms [--no-grace-period] [--force] [-v]

Deletes orphaned shadow virtual machines.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description



Ignores the grace period when determining whether objects are orphaned. Objects modified in the past 30 minutes are included in the results only when this parameter is set.

viocli delete swift [--force] [-v]

Deletes the Swift cluster.

viocli delete tenant-vdc tvdc-id [--compute compute-node] [--force] [-v]

Deletes orphaned shadow virtual machines.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description



ID of the tenant VDC to delete.

--compute compute-node


Compute node from which to delete the tenant VDC.

If you do not include this parameter, the tenant VDC is deleted from all compute nodes.