VMware Lab Platform provides a set of built-in roles that can be assigned to users in an organization. You cannot modify role permissions of the built-in roles, because the built-in roles are predefined. You can create custom roles and customize the permissions for the custom roles based on their organization's requirements.

To view base roles and custom roles for an account or organization, click Users & Groups > Roles & Permissions.

VMware Lab Platform has the following built-in roles:

Built-in Role



Entitles user to log in to the end-user interface and take a lab. The User Role does not include permission to use any other user interface (for example, no permission to the administrator UI or Content Engine user interface).


You can assign the role of “Admin” to a user you are creating and as a result create another administrator. The Admin Role is the most powerful user within an account. It includes permission to all the user interfaces (for example, the administrator UI, end-user interface, Content Engine user interface, and so on).


An instructor can monitor the progress of selected students (a “class”), taking a specified lab at a specified time (“instructor-led lab”). Users assigned to this role appear in a list accessible from the Create Classform. A user having an Instructor Role can log in to the administrator UI. However, the system defaults to Class List and allows the user to modify a class. The system also allows a read-only permission to the Entitlement List.


The Portal Settings > Configurationpage includes the setting Allow Instructors Access To All Classes. If activated, then an instructor can go to the Class List and view all the classes in the account. If deactivated, then the Class List lists only those classes to which the instructor has been assigned to.

Content Creator

Users assigned this role have permissions only to the Content Engine interface. The Content Engine interface allows a user to create, edit, and manage instructional content (lab manuals).

Certification Grader

Users assigned this role can view a list of entitlements that must be graded and can assign them a score and a grade string. A user with the Certification Grader role user can edit these anytime until clicking Graded.