You can use the screen display options to manage your console screen appearance and behavior.

Display options are located in the upper-left corner of the console.

Figure 1. Screen display options
Screen display options to customize your console screen.

Connection Strength

The Connection Strength control displays information about console latency. Your instructor or administrator can use this information to diagnose any connection problems. This feature must be enabled by an administrator.

Toggle Full-Screen

Use the Toggle Full-Screen control to resize the console. Console resizing includes the following actions:

  • When the end-user console is docked in the center or maximized, then VMware Lab Platform resizes it to fit into the space available in the browser.

  • If the console is floated, docked-left, or docked-right, then you can resize the console manually by dragging the handles near the edge of the console frame.

  • If the end-user console is supported with VMware tools, then the guest operating system resolution is updated to the new console size.

  • In unsupported consoles, the guest operating system resolution remains unchanged, but the console is scaled to the browser.

Console Actions

Use the console action options to change the console size and the console location. Expand the Console Actions menu to see all the options. The following console actions helps you manage the console:

  • Undock: Use the Floating window control to toggle between a docked or floating screen.

  • Refresh: Use the Refresh control to re-establish your console connection and reload your console. This option does not perform a screen refresh. Use this option only if your console locks up or your connection drops.

  • Reset VM: Hard-reboots the machine as if the reset button on the physical hardware had been selected. It is independent of the power options.

  • Reset VM And Enter BIOS: Resets a virtual machine (VM) of a lab, and starts the BIOS and make changes to the boot order.

  • Shutdown VM: Powers down the VM for the lab that you are running

Keyboard Shortcuts
  • CTRL+ALT+DEL: Sends the CTRL+ALT+DEL key combination to the virtual machine (VM). The result of sending the key combination is operation-system dependent.

Console Notes

Displays metadata about the lab (notes, user name, and password for each VM) as configured by your administrator.

Send Text

Displays the Send Text to Console window. You can copy and paste text from your lab manual or enter new text in the window. When you click Send Text, VMware Lab Platform sends the text you entered to your lab console. The text appears at the pointer location inside your console. You can also highlight text in the lab manual then drag the selected text onto your console.


Use the Maximize control to magnify (full screen) your screen.


Use the Arrow controls to dock your screen display controls to the left or right side of your screen.

Place in Center Screen

Use the Place in Center Screen control to center your screen display.