After you purchase VMware Live Cyber Recovery term subscription SKUs, you need to apply your subscription to a VMware Cloud Services Organization.

After your purchase, VMware Cloud Services will send an email to the email address associated with your account that contains an invite link to VMware Cloud Services, so you can apply these subscriptions to your Organization.
Important: Your invitation email is very important, so make sure you check your email spam filters in case this email gets blocked. This email will be sent from "VMware Cloud Team ([email protected])". If you lose the email, contact VMware support.
Note: Perform this task if you purchased VMware Live Cyber Recovery by SKUs. If you purchased VMware Live Cyber Recovery directly using credits, then see Create a Subscription.

Once the order is processed, your VMware Live Cyber Recovery subscription is created and term billing begins.

It can take up to 6 hours after activation for subscriptions to become available in the VMware Live Cyber Recovery Global Console. You can, however, see the subscription in the VMware Cloud Services console.

Before you begin, make sure that your method of payment is up to date. For more information, see How do I manage payment methods for my organization.


  1. When you receive your email, click the invite link so you can apply your subscription to a VMware Cloud Services Organization.
  2. The link launches VMware Cloud Services so you can log into your VMware account.
    If you do not have an account, you can create one. When you create a new account, you also create a new default VMware Cloud Services Organization, which is where you will apply your subscriptions.
  3. Once you log in, on the Select Subscriptions page, select ALL of the subscriptions (VM, storage capacity, and ransomware recovery) you want to apply to your Organization.
    Note: In some cases, not all subscriptions are selected, so make sure you select all subscriptions before applying them.
    Select all subscriptions in order to activate them and apply them to an Organization.
  4. To grant access to the subscription for other users, click the Edit link.
    In the Invite Users dialog box, you will see two email addresses: your email address and the seller's email address. You can add additional email addresses for users you want to invite, and then click Confirm.
    Invite user to access the subscription.
  5. Click the Continue.
  6. On the Select or Create Organization page, select an Organization where you want to apply the subscription.
    Select an Organization to apply your subscriptions to.
    If you do not have an Organization or want to create a new one, click Create Organization at the bottom of the page and fill out all required information. Once created, the Organization will appear in this list.
    Create a new Organization if you don't already have one.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. In the Apply subscriptions dialog box, click Apply Subscriptions.
    In this dialog box you can compare and confirm the number of subscriptions that will be applied to the Organization with the number of subscriptions you purchased.
    Click Apply Subscriptions to activate the subscription.
  9. Once your subscription is applied, click the VMware Live Cyber Recovery service tile in the VMware Cloud Services console and activate a new recovery region to get started protecting your workloads.
    For new users, you can also start inviting users to your Organization
  10. To manage your subscriptions, in the VMware Cloud Services console select Subscriptions from the left navigation.
    Or, you can manage your subscriptions from the VMware Live Cyber Recovery Global Console.