Recovery plans used for disaster recovery can be in either an active or deactivated state.

When a recovery plan is active, you can run the plan for failover, failback, or ransomware. New plans are active by default. A plan is automatically deactivated upon committing a successful failover or failback. You can explicitly re-activate a previously deactivated recovery plan by clicking Activate plan.

To run either a recovery or test recovery, the recovery plan must be active. Activating the plan also triggers continuous compliance checks for the plan. When a plan is inactive, then no compliance checks are run against it. The maximum number of active recovery plans that can be checked for compliance is 15.

The Active plan state is indicated in the Status column of the recovery plan list. Depending on whether the Test site is configured, an active plan can have either Ready or Ready (not testable) status. A recovery plan’s inactive state is also indicated in the Status column when viewing a list of plans under the recovery plan view.