You can set up a protected VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC to use the same AWS region where you replicate snapshots to a cloud file system and perform recovery operations.


You can set up a protected SDDC in the same AWS region where you plan to deploy a recovery SDDC. Select this configuration If you are constrained by data residency laws, or have access to only one AWS region, and must use the same region for both protection (protected SDDC) and backup and recovery.

If you are using only one AWS region for VMware Live Cyber Recovery, when you create a protected SDDC you can select an SDDC that resides in the same region, but different availability zone, than the cloud file system.

If you plan to use a private connection for this SDDC, see Setting Up Private Connections before you perform this task.
Note: Before you can set up a protected SDDC, ensure that you have configured the links between VMware Live Cyber Recovery and VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware Cloud on AWS. For more information, see Link VMware Live Cyber Recovery.


  1. From the left navigation, select Protected sites.
  2. Click the Set up protected site button.
  3. In the Setup protected site dialog box, under Site types select VMware Cloud on AWS.
  4. Under Cloud backup, select a cloud file system to use with the new protected site. If there is only one cloud file system deployed, then it is already selected.
  5. On the next page under Protected SDDC, select an existing SDDC to protect. The UI indicates both the AWS region and availability zone used for each SDDC.
    To perform replication and recovery operations in the same AWS region, you can select an SDDC that is in the same AWS region as the recovery SDDC. (You can only choose an SDDC that is not in the same AZ as the recovery SDDC).
  6. On the next page, under Network connection, select either User public internet or Use private network connection.
    If you want to select Use private connection, you must have already set up a private connection for VMware Transit Connect.
  7. On the next page, you have a choice to either allow the system to create firewall rules for the Cyber Recovery connector (recommended).
    Or, you can manually create those firewall rules from the VMware Live Cyber Recovery UI. If you are not sure which to select, see Network Considerations for a Protected SDDC for more information.
  8. Click Setup. When the site is created, it displays as a protected site.

What to do next

Now that you have set up the protected site for your SDDC, you need to deploy the DRaaS Connector on the SDDC.