Failing back VMs to a protected site from folder-based protection groups can fail if the original folders do not exist, or have been changed, on the protected site.

During disaster or ransomware recovery, you can recover VMs to a protected site, either the original protected site or an alternate one. If the protection group membership containing the VMs from your recovery plan is folder based, and the original folder containing the VMs does not exist or is changed on the protected site you are failing back to, the recovery operation will fail.

This issue occurs only when the absolute directory path that was used in a protection group containing VMs at the time of recovery is modified or deleted on a protected site you are recovering VMs to.

This issue applies to both disaster recovery failback from the recovery SDDC, and recovering VMs to a protected site from STAGING environment during ransomware recovery.

  1. First, in the protection group, modify the protected site inventory to match folder path on the original protected site.
  2. Next, modify the recovery plan so the original mappings match those of the protected site you are failing back to.
  3. After the VMs are on the protected site, you can modify the inventory as needed.