Basic Authentication is the simple and most widely used authentication mechanism in HTTP based services or APIs.

You can send HTTP requests with the authorization HTTP header that contains the word Basic followed by a space and a base 64-encoded string username: password. For instance, to authorize as user name/ password, you can send the HTTP header as follows:

Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

LDAP is an extension of the basic authentication policy where the provided user name and password will be authenticated against the target LDAP server. LDAP is a commonly-used protocol for accessing a directory service. A directory service is a hierarchical object-oriented database view of an authentication system. NSX Advanced Load Balancer supports LDAP authentication for virtual services.


This section is explicitly for virtual services/ client authentication only and not for Controller authentication.

Configuring LDAP Authentication

The following are the steps to configure LDAP authentication:

  1. Create Authentication Profile

  2. Create SSO Profile

  3. Enable Access Policy on Virtual Server