HA_MODE_SHARED and HA_MODE_SHARED_PAIR are ha_mode flags available in NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI under serviceenginegroup properties. This section explains the purpose of the HA modes and how to configure the options.

The HA_MODE_SHARED option is equivalent to the N+M elastic HA option available in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer UI. In this mode, each virtual service is typically placed on one Service Engine unless the scaleout-per-vs setting is changed to two or more.

The HA_MODE_SHARED_PAIR option is equivalent to active/active elastic HA mode available in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer UI. In active/active HA mode, NSX Advanced Load Balancer places each virtual service on more than one SE, as specified by the min_scaleout_per_vs parameter. The default value for the parameter min_scaleout_per_vs is 2. The value for min_scaleout_per_vs is changed through NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI.

| Field                                 | Value                                                   |
| uuid                                  | serviceenginegroup-5d061595-426f-48bf-9683-a3ca95a5f1dd |
| name                                  | Default-Group                                           |
| max_vs_per_se                         | 10                                                      |
| min_scaleout_per_vs                   | 2                                                       |
| max_scaleout_per_vs                   | 4                                                       |
| max_se                                | 10                                                      |
| vcpus_per_se                          | 2                                                       |
| memory_per_se                         | 2048                                                    |
| disk_per_se                           | 10 gb                                                   |
| max_cpu_usage                         | 80 percent                                              |
| min_cpu_usage                         | 20 percent                                              |
| se_deprovision_delay                  | 120 min                                                 |
| auto_rebalance                        | True                                                    |
| se_name_prefix                        | SE1                                                |
| vs_host_redundancy                    | True                                                    |
| vcenter_folder                        | VM1                                                  |
| vcenter_datastores_include            | False                                                   |
| vcenter_datastore_mode                | VCENTER_DATASTORE_ANY                                   |
| vcenter_clusters                      |                                                         |
|   cluster_refs[1]                     | N3K                                                     |
|   include                             | True                                                    |
| cpu_reserve                           | False                                                   |
| mem_reserve                           | True                                                    |
| ha_mode                               | HA_MODE_SHARED  

If the value for the flag HA_MODE_SHARED is set to true and the value for the flag min_scaleout_per_vs is set to 2, then HA mode will work like active/active elastic HA mode as one virtual service is placed on more than one SE.

Changing HA modes using NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI

Use configure serviceenginegroup option to change HA modes on NSX Advanced Load Balancer.

[admin:Controller-2]: > configure serviceenginegroup Default-Group ha_mode 

Changing HA modes using NSX Advanced Load Balancer UI

To change HA mode using NSX Advanced Load Balancer UI,

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Service Engine Group.

  2. Click the edit icon at the right side to select various options for HA mode, available under High Availability & Placement Setting.


The virtual service placement setting (compact and distributed) plays a very important role in spinning up SEs.

For more information on virtual service placement options on NSX Advanced Load Balancer and Elastic HA mode for NSX Advanced Load Balancer SEs, see Elastic High Availability for NSX Advanced Load Balancer Service Engines.