This section explains the steps to create PKI application profile using NSX Advanced Load Balancer UI and NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI.

Creating PKI Application Profile Using NSX Advanced Load Balancer UI

  1. Navigate to Templates > Security > PKI Profile. Click Create.

  2. In this example, a new PKI profile is created. Provide the desired name, select the Enable CRL Check option.

  3. In Certificate Authority (CA) tab, select Add and click Upload Certificate Authority File (CA) to upload a file.

  4. Navigate to the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) tab and select Add. You can add the details either by providing the server URL, or by uploading the file saved on your local work station.

  5. Click Save. As shown below, the CA file and the CRL file have been added to the PKI profile (My-PKI-Profile). The application profile must contain a CRL for each of the intermediate CA in the chain of trust.

Creating PKI Application Profile using the NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI

[admin:My-Avi-Controller-17.2.10]: > configure pkiprofile test                                                                                          
[admin:My-Avi-Controller-17.2.10]: pkiprofile> ca_certs 
New object being created
[admin:My-Avi-Controller-17.2.10]: pkiprofile:ca_certs> certificate --
Please input the value for field certificate (Enter END to terminate input):-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----   <————————— Paste cert here
-----END CERTIFICATE-----                   <—————————  Press Enter key after pasting cert
END                                         <—————————  Type END and press Enter key
[admin:My-Avi-Controller-17.2.10]: pkiprofile:ca_certs> save
[admin:My-Avi-Controller-17.2.10]: pkiprofile> no crl_check      <—————————  Optional for testing
[admin:My-Avi-Controller-17.2.10]: pkiprofile> save