This section describes the steps for associating GSLB service with Federated Application Profile using the NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI.

The following steps must be performed through the NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI:

  • Login to the NSX Advanced Load Balancer shell of the appropriate Controller Cluster.

  • Enter configure gslbservice gs-1 in the shell.

  • In the gslbservice prompt, enter application_persistence_profile_ref gap-1.

  • Enter save for the association to take effect.

The following are the parameters for the enabled GSLB service named gs-1:

| Field                               | Value                                               |
| uuid                                | gslbservice-2efeea54-12b4-4c1d-9fe0-ffd58e5125c3    |
| name                                | gs-1                                                |
| domain_names[1]                     |                                               |
| groups[1]                           |                                                     |
|   name                              | group1                                              |
|   priority                          | 13                                                  |
|   algorithm                         | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                          |
|   members[1]                        |                                                     |
|     cluster_uuid                    | cluster-a7ba9c02-adf6-48d7-aa3d-41f664d45f85        |
|     vs_uuid                         | virtualservice-da9efdc9-7204-4b69-afc2-4fccaf961e1d |
|     ip                              |                                        |
|     ratio                           | 1                                                   |
|     enabled                         | True                                                |
| groups[2]                           |                                                     |
|   name                              | group2                                              |
|   priority                          | 12                                                  |
|   algorithm                         | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                          |
|   members[1]                        |                                                     |
|     cluster_uuid                    | cluster-fc6fa719-054d-42d0-a18b-a8a7577a3829        |
|     vs_uuid                         | virtualservice-f4bdb96d-4de3-4b2f-bf51-1bb924783443 |
|     ip                              |                                        |
|     ratio                           | 1                                                   |
|     enabled                         | True                                                |
| health_monitor_refs[1]              | ghm-ping                                            |
| controller_health_status_enabled    | True                                                |
| health_monitor_scope                | GSLB_SERVICE_HEALTH_MONITOR_ALL_MEMBERS             |
| enabled                             | True                                                |
| use_edns_client_subnet              | True                                                |
| wildcard_match                      | False                                               |
| site_persistence_enabled            | True                                                |
| application_persistence_profile_ref | gap-1                                               |
| pool_algorithm                      | GSLB_SERVICE_ALGORITHM_PRIORITY                     |
| min_members                         | 0                                                   |
| is_federated                        | True                                                |
| tenant_ref                          | admin                                               |