The table explains system event messages related to logical networking.

Event Code Event Severity Alarm Triggered Event Message Description
814 Critical No Logical Switch {#} is no longer properly configured since some of the backing distributed virtual port groups were modified and/or removed.

One or more DVS port groups backing an NSX logical switch have been modified or deleted, or changing the logical switch control plane mode has failed.

Action: If the event was triggered by deleting or modifying a port group, an error is be shown on the Logical Switches page on thevSphere Web Client. Click the error to create the missing DVS port groups. If the event was triggered because changing the control plane mode failed, perform the update again. Refer to "Update Transport Zones and Logical Switches" in the NSX Upgrade Guide.

1900 Critical No VXLAN initialization failed on the host.

VXLAN initialization failed as the VMkernel NICs failed to be configured for the required number of VTEPs. NSX prepares the DVS selected by the user for VXLAN and creates a DV port group for VTEP VMkernel NICs to use. The teaming, load balancing method, MTU, and VLAN ID is chosen during VXLAN configuration. The teaming and load balancing methods must match the configuration of the DVS selected for the VXLAN.

Action: Review the vmkernel.log. Also, see the "Infrastructure Preparation" section in the NSX Troubleshooting Guide.

1901 Critical No VXLAN port initialization failed on the host.

VXLAN failed to be configured on the associated DV port, and the port has been disconnected. NSX prepares the DVS selected by the user for VXLAN and creates a DV port group for each configured logical switch to use.

Action: Review the vmkernel.log. Also, see the "Infrastructure Preparation" section in the NSX Troubleshooting Guide.

1902 Critical No VXLAN instance does not exist on the host.

The VXLAN configuration was received for a DV port when the DVS on the ESXI host is not yet enabled for VXLAN.

Action: Review the vmkernel.log. Also, see the "Infrastructure Preparation" section in the NSX Troubleshooting Guide.

1903 Critical No Logical Switch {#} can't work properly since the backing IP interface couldn't join specific multicast group.

The VTEP interface failed to join the specified multicast group. Traffic to certain hosts will be impacted until the issue is resolved. NSX uses a periodic retry mechanism (every five seconds) for joining the multicast group.

Action: Review the vmkernel.log. Also, see the "Infrastructure Preparation" section in the NSX Troubleshooting Guide.

1905 Critical No Transport Zone may not be used since the backing IP interface can't acquire correct IP Address.

The VTEP VMkernel NIC failed to be assigned a valid IP address. All VXLAN traffic through the VMkernel NIC will be dropped.

Action: Confirm DHCP is available on VXLAN transport VLANs if you are using DHCP for IP assignment for VMKNics. See "NSX host preparation fails with error: Insufficient IP addresses in IP pool" (

1906 Critical No VXLAN overlay class is missing on DVS.

NSX VIBs were not installed when the DVS was configured for VXLAN. All VXLAN interfaces will fail to connect to the DVS.​

Action: See "Network connectivity issues after upgrade in NSX/VCNS environment" (

1920 Critical No VXLAN Controller {#} has been removed due to the connection can't be built, please check controller IP configuration and deploy again.

The controller deployment failed.

Action: Check that the assigned IP address is reachable. Also, see the "NSX Controller" section in the NSX Troubleshooting Guide.

1930 Critical No The controller {#} cannot establish the connection to the node {#}(active={#}). Current connection status = {#}.

Two controller nodes are disconnected, impacting controller to controller communication.

Action: Refer to the "NSX Controller" section in the NSX Troubleshooting Guide.

1935 Critical No Host {#} information could not be sent to controllers as all controllers are inactive. Controller synchronization may be needed once controllers become active.

Host certificate information failed to be sent to the NSX controller cluster. The communication channel between the host and the controller cluster may behave unexpectedly.

Action: Confirm the NSX controller cluster status is normal before preparing an ESXi host. Use the controller sync API to resolve this issue.

1937 Critical No VXLAN vmknic {#} [PortGroup = {#}] is missing or deleted from host {#}.

The VXLAN VMkernel NIC is missing or deleted from the host. Traffic to and from the host will be affected.

Action: To resolve the issue, click the Resolve button on the Installation and Upgrade > Logical Network Preparation > VXLAN Transport tab.

1939 Critical No VXLAN vmknic {#} [PortGroup = {#}] may have been deleted from the host {#} or the host-vCenter connection may have issues.

NSX Manager detected that a VXLAN VMkernel NIC is missing on Virtual Center. This can be caused by vCenter Server to host communication issues. Also, when vCenter Server or a host is rebooted, there will be a brief period when NSX Manager cannot detect the VXLAN VMkernel NIC and flags this event. After vCenter Server and the host finish rebooting, NSX Manager will check the VXLAN VMkernel NICs again and clear the event if everything is fine.

Action: Resolve this issue if it is not transient by clicking the Resolve button on the Installation and Upgrade > Logical Network Preparation > VXLAN Transport tab.

1941 Critical No Host Connection Status Changed: Event Code: {#}, Host: {#} (ID: {#}), NSX Manager - Firewall Agent: {#}, NSX Manager - Control Plane Agent: {#}, Control Plane Agent - Controllers: {#}.

NSX Manager detected a down status for one of the following connections: NSX Manager to host firewall agent, NSX Managerto host control plane agent, or host control plane agent to NSX Controller.

Action: If the NSX Manager to host firewall agent connection is down, check the NSX Manager and firewall agent log (/var/log/vsfwd.log) or send the POST https://NSX-Manager-IP-Address/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure?action=synchronize REST API call to re-synchronize the connection. If the NSX Manager to control plane agent is down, check the NSX Manager and control plane agent log (/var/log/netcpa.log). If the control plane agent to NSX Controller connection is down, navigate to Networking & Security > Installation and Upgrade and check the host connection status.

1942 Critical No The backing portgroup [moid = {#}] of LogicalSwitch {#} is marked as missing.

NSX Manager detected a backing DV portgroup for an NSX logical switch is missing in Virtual Center.

Action: Click the Resolve button on the Installation and Upgrade > Logical Network Preparation > VXLAN Transport tab, or use the REST API (POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/<vw-id>/backing?action=remediate) to recreate the port group.

1945 Critical No The device {#} on controller {#} has the disk latency alert on.

NSX Manager detected high disk latency for NSX Controller.

Action: Refer to "NSX Controller" section in the NSX Troubleshooting Guide.

1946 Informational No All disk latency alerts on controller {0} are off.

NSX Manager no longer detects high disk latency on a controller.

Action: Information-only event. No action is required.

1947 Critical No Controller Virtual Machine is powered off on vCenter.

NSX Manager detected an NSX Controller VM was powered off from Virtual Center. The controller cluster status may become disconnected, impacting any operation which requires a working cluster.

Action: Click the Resolve button for the controller on the Installation and Upgrade > Management tab or call the API POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}?action=remediate to power on the controller VM.

1948 Critical No Controller Virtual Machine is deleted from vCenter.

NSX Manager detected an NSX Controller VM was deleted from Virtual Center. The controller cluster status may become disconnected, impacting any operation which requires a working cluster.

Action: Click the Resolve button for the controller on the Installation and Upgrade > Management tab or call the API POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}?action=remediate to remove the state of the controller in the NSX Manager database.

1952 Critical No The VXLAN portgroup [moid = dvportgroup-xx] and associated DVS have different teaming policies.

NSX Manager detected that a VXLAN port group's teaming policy is different from the teaming policy of the associated DVS. This can result in unpredictable behavior.

Action: Configure the VXLAN port group or DVS again, so that they have the same teaming policy.