After establishing the that the DLR has been created, make sure that all of the DLR's logical interfaces are present and have the correct configuration.

  1. From the NSX Manager shell, run show cluster all to get the cluster ID.
  2. Run show cluster cluster-id to get the host ID.
  3. Run show logical-router host hostID dlr all brief to get the dlrID (Vdr Name).
  4. Run show logical-router host hostID dlr dlrID interface all brief to get summarized status information for all interfaces.
  5. Run show logical-router host hostID dlr dlrID interface (all | intName) verbose to get the status information for all interfaces or for a specific interface.
nsxmgr# show logical-router host hostID dlr dlrID interface all verbose 

VDR default+edge-1:1460487509 LIF Information :

Name:                570d45550000000a
Mode:                Routing, Distributed, Internal
Id:                  Vxlan:5000
Connected Dvs:       Compute_VDS
VXLAN Control Plane: Enabled
VXLAN Multicast IP:
State:               Enabled
Flags:               0x2388
DHCP Relay:          Not enabled

Name:                570d45550000000c
Mode:                Routing, Distributed, Internal
Id:                  Vxlan:5002
Connected Dvs:       Compute_VDS
VXLAN Control Plane: Enabled
VXLAN Multicast IP:
State:               Enabled
Flags:               0x2288
DHCP Relay:          Not enabled

Name:                570d45550000000b
Mode:                Routing, Distributed, Internal
Id:                  Vxlan:5001
Connected Dvs:       Compute_VDS
VXLAN Control Plane: Enabled
VXLAN Multicast IP:
State:               Enabled
Flags:               0x2388
DHCP Relay:          Not enabled

Name:                570d455500000002
Mode:                Routing, Distributed, Uplink
Id:                  Vxlan:5003
Connected Dvs:       Compute_VDS
VXLAN Control Plane: Enabled
VXLAN Multicast IP:
State:               Enabled
Flags:               0x2208
DHCP Relay:          Not enabled
The points to note:
  • LIF "Name" is unique across all DLR instances on the host. It is the same on hosts and on the DLR’s master Controller node.
  • LIF's “Mode” shows whether the LIF is routing or bridging, and whether it is internal or uplink.
  • “Id” shows the LIF type and the corresponding service ID (VXLAN and VNI, or VLAN and VID).
  • “Ip(Mask)” is shown for “Routing” LIFs.
  • If a LIF is connected to a VXLAN in hybrid or unicast mode, “VXLAN Control Plane” is “Enabled.”
  • For VXLAN LIFs where VXLAN is in unicast mode, “VXLAN Multicast IP” is shown as “”; otherwise the actual multicast IP address is displayed.
  • “State” should be “Enabled” for routed LIFs. For bridging LIFs, it is “Enabled” on the host that is performing bridging and “Init” on all other hosts.
  • “Flags” is a summary representation of the LIF’s state and shows whether the LIF is:
    • Routed or Bridged
    • Whether the VLAN LIF is a DI
    • Whether it has DHCP relay enabled
    • Of note is the flag 0x0100, which is set when a VXLAN VNI join was caused by the DLR (as opposed to a host having a VM on that VXLAN)
    • Flags are displayed in a more readable format in “brief” mode.
nsxmgr# show logical-router host hostID dlr dlrID interface all brief

VDR default+edge-1 LIF Information :

State Legend: [A:Active], [d:Deleting], [X:Deleted], [I:Init],[SF-L:Soft Flush LIF]
Modes Legend: [B:Bridging],[E: Empty], [R:Routing],[S:Sedimented],[D:Distributed]
Modes Legend: [In:Internal],[Up:Uplink]

Lif Name             Id              Mode     State    Ip(Mask)
--------             --              -----    -----    --------
570d45550000000a     Vxlan:5001      R,D,In   A
570d45550000000c     Vxlan:5003      R,D,In   A
570d45550000000b     Vxlan:5002      R,D,In   A
570d455500000002     Vxlan:5000      R,D,Up   A