Virtual servers receive all the client connections and distribute them among the servers. A virtual server has an IP address, a port, and a protocol TCP.
If a virtual server status is disabled, any new connection attempts to the virtual server are rejected by sending either a TCP RST for the TCP connection or ICMP error message for UDP. New connections are rejected even if there are matching persistence entries for them. Active connections continue to be processed. If a virtual server is deleted or disassociated from a load balancer, then active connections to that virtual server fail.
If a client-side SSL profile binding is configured on a virtual server but not a server-side SSL profile binding, then the virtual server operates in an SSL-terminate mode, which has an encrypted connection to the client and plain text connection to the server. If both the client-side and server-side SSL profile bindings are configured, then the virtual server operates in SSL-proxy mode, which has an encrypted connection both to the client and the server.
Associating server-side SSL profile binding without associating a client-side SSL profile binding is currently not supported. If a client-side and a server-side SSL profile binding is not associated with a virtual server and the application is SSL-based, then the virtual server operates in an SSL-unaware mode. In this case, the virtual server must be configured for Layer 4. For example, the virtual server can be associated to a fast TCP profile.
- Verify that application profiles are available. See Add an Application Profile.
- Verify that persistent profiles are available. See Add a Persistence Profile.
- Verify that SSL profiles for the client and server are available. See Add an SSL Profile.
- Verify that server pools are available. See Add a Server Pool.
- Verify that CA and client certificate are available. See Create a Certificate Signing Request File.
- Verify that a certification revocation list (CRL) is available. See Import a Certificate Revocation List.
- Verify that load balancer is available. See Add Load Balancers.