Follow these instructions to install NSX Tools on your Windows workload VM.

See Currently Supported Operating Systems for Workload VMs for a list of Microsoft Windows versions currently supported.

Note: To verify the checksum of this script, go to VMware Downloads > Drivers & Tools > NSX Cloud Scripts.


  1. Log in to CSM and go to your public cloud:
    1. If using AWS, go to Clouds > AWS > VPCs. Click on a Transit or Compute VPC.
    2. If using Microsoft Azure, go to Clouds > Azure > VNets. Click on the VNet on which one or a pair of PCGs is deployed and running.
    Note: Transit VPC/VNet is where one or a pair of PCGs is deployed and running. Compute VPC/VNet is the one linked to a Transit and can use the PCGs deployed there.
  2. From the NSX Tools Download & Installation section of the screen, make a note of the Download Location and the Installation Command under Windows.
    Note: For VNets, the DNS Suffix in the Installation Command is dynamically generated to match the DNS settings you choose when deploying PCG. For Transit VNets, the -dnsServer <dns-server-ip> parameter is optional. For Compute VNets, you must provide the DNS Forwarder IP address to complete this command.
  3. Connect to your Windows workload VM as Administrator.
  4. Download the installation script on your Windows VM from the Download Location you noted from CSM. You can use any browser, for example, Internet Explorer, to download the script. It is downloaded in your browser's default downloads directory, for example, C:\ Downloads.
    Note: To verify the checksum of this script, go to VMware Downloads > Drivers & Tools > NSX Cloud Scripts
  5. Open a PowerShell prompt and go to the directory containing the downloaded script.
  6. Use the Installation command you noted from CSM to run the downloaded script.
    For example:
    c:\> powershell -file ‘nsx_install.ps1” -operation install -dnsSuffix <>
    Note: The file argument needs the full path unless you are in the same directory or if the PowerShell script is already in the path. For example, if you download the script to C:\Downloads, and you are currently not in that directory, then the script must contain the location: powershell -file 'C:\Downloads\nsx_install.ps1' ...
  7. The script runs and when completed, displays a message indicating whether NSX Tools was installed successfully.
    Note: The script considers the primary network interface as the default.

What to do next

Managing VMs in the NSX Enforced Mode