After you register a service, you must deploy an instance of the service on an NSX-T transport node for the service to start processing network traffic.

Deploy partner service VM at tier-0 or tier-1 logical router that acts as a gateway between the physical world and the logical network on vCenter Server. After you deploy the SVM as a standalone service instance or an active-standby service instance, you can create redirection rules to redirect traffic to the SVM for network introspection.


  • All hosts are managed by a vCenter Server.

  • Partner services are registered with NSX-T Data Center and are ready for deployment.

  • NSX-T Data Center administrators can access partner services.

  • High Availability mode for logical router must be in active-standby mode.

  • Turn on the Distributed Resource Scheduler utility.
  • Ensure only one overlay transport zone is connected to hosts that are running the partner service.

  • Ensure only one service segment is used to connect guest VMs for network introspection.

  • Starting with NSX-T Data Center 3.1, on clusters that span physical servers placed in different racks, you can override the transport node profile applied on a per-host basis.
  • Starting with NSX-T Data Center 3.0, you must prepare clusters (cluster-based or host-based deployment methods) by applying a transport node profile.
  • With NSX-T Data Center 2.5.x or earlier, before you deploy service VMs on each host using host-based service deployment method, configure each host of the cluster with NSX-T Data Center by applying a transport node profile.
  • When upgrading the third-party service, the existing service will continue to be functional even if transport node profile is not applied to the cluster.


  1. From your browser, log in with admin privileges to an NSX Manager at https://<nsx-manager-ip-address>.
  2. Select System > Service Deployments > Deployment.
  3. From the Partner Service drop-down menu, select the service that must be deployed.
  4. Click Deploy Service. Enter details to deploy the service.
    Table 1. Partner Service Details
    Field Description
    Service Deployment Name Enter a name to identify the service instance.
    Deployment Specification Select the form factor to deploy.
    Attachment Points Select the tier-0 or tier-1 logical router where the service instance must be deployed.
    Failure Policy Select Allow or Block.

    For a deployment of the type Active Standby, set value to the following fields:

    • Primary Interface Network: The interface to be used by the deployed service.
    • Primary Interface IP: Enter the IP address to be used by the service instance.
    • Primary Gateway Address: Enter the gateway address.

    • Primary Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask.
    • Secondary Interface Network: The standby interface that is used if the primary interface is unavailable.
    • Secondary Interface IP: Enter the IP address for the standby IP that is used if the primary IP is unavailable.
    • Secondart Gateway Address: Enter the standby gateway address that is used if the primary gateway is unavailable.

    • Secondary Subnet Mask: Enter the standby subnet mask that is used if the primary subnet mask is unavailable.

    For a deployment of the type Standalone, set values to the primary interfaces.

    Compute Manager Select the registered vCenter Server.
    Datastore Select the repository to store service instance data.
    Deployment Mode Select Standalone to deploy a single service instance at the tier-0 or tier-1 logical router.

    Select Active Standby to deploy a couple of service instances in active-standby mode at the tier-0 or tier-1 logical router.

    Deployment Template Select the template to be used during deployment of the service instance.
  5. Click Save.


The Service Instances tab displays the deployment progress. It might take a few minutes for deployment to finish. Verify the deployment state to ensure that the service instance is successfully deployed at the tier-0 or tier-1 logical router.

Alternatively, go to the vCenter Server and verify the deployment status.

What to do next

Add redirection rules for north-south traffic. See Add Redirection Rules for North-South Traffic.