High-level tasks to auto deploy a stateless cluster.

The high-level tasks to set up an auto deploy stateless cluster are:
  1. Prerequisites and Supported Versions. See Prerequisites and Supported Versions.
  2. (Reference host) Create a Custom Image Profile. See Create a Custom Image Profile for Stateless Hosts.
  3. (Reference and Target hosts) Associate the Custom Image Profile. See Associate the Custom Image with the Reference and Target Hosts.
  4. (Reference host) Set up Network Configuration in ESXi. See Set Up Network Configuration on the Reference Host.
  5. (Reference host) Configure as a Transport Node in NSX. See Configure the Reference Host as a Transport Node in NSX-T.
  6. (Reference host) Extract and Verify Host Profile. See Extract and Verify the Host Profile.
  7. (Reference and Target hosts) Verify the Host Profile Association with Stateless Cluster. See Verify the Host Profile Association with Stateless Cluster.
  8. (Reference host) Update Host Customization. See Update Host Customization.
  9. (Target hosts) Trigger Auto Deployment. See Trigger Auto Deployment on Target Hosts.
    1. Before applying Transport Node Profile. See Reboot Hosts Before Applying TNP.
    2. Apply Transport Node Profile. See Apply TNP on Stateless Cluster.
    3. After applying Transport Node Profile. See Reboot Hosts After Applying TNP.
  10. Troubleshoot Host Profile and Transport Node Profile. See Troubleshoot Host Profile and Transport Node Profile.