You can attach the tier-0 logical router to the tier-1 logical router so that the tier-1 logical router gets northbound and east-west network connectivity.

When you attach a tier-1 logical router to a tier-0 logical router, a router-link switch between the two routers is created. This switch is labeled as system-generated in the topology. The default address space assigned for these tier-0-to-tier-1 connections is Each tier-0-to-tier-1 peer connection is provided a /31 subnet within the address space. Optionally, you can configure the address space in the tier-0 Summary > Advanced configuration.

The following figure shows a sample topology.

Diagram of tier-0 router connected to tier-1 router


Verify that Manager mode is selected in the NSX Manager user interface. See NSX Manager. If you do not see the Policy and Manager mode buttons, see Configure the User Interface Settings.


  1. With admin privileges, log in to NSX Manager.
  2. Select Networking > Tier-1 Logical Routers.
  3. Select the tier-1 logical router.
  4. In the Tier-0 Connection section, click Connect.
  5. Select a tier-0 logical router from the drop-down menu.
  6. (Optional) Select an NSX Edge cluster from the drop-down menu.
    The tier-1 router needs to be backed by an edge device if the router is going to be used for services, such as NAT. If you do not select an NSX Edge cluster, the tier-1 router cannot perform NAT.
  7. Specify members and a preferred member.
    If you select an NSX Edge cluster and leave the members and preferred member fields blank, NSX-T Data Center sets the backing edge device from the specified cluster for you.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click the Configuration tab of the tier-1 router to verify that a new point-to-point linked port IP address is created.
    For example, the IP address of the linked port can be
  10. Select the tier-0 logical router from the navigation panel.
  11. Click the Configuration tab of the tier-0 router to verify that a new point-to-point linked port IP address is created.
    For example, the IP address of the linked port can be

What to do next

Verify that the tier-0 router is learning routes that are advertised by the tier-1 routers.