Starting in NSX 3.1.1, you can integrate your Horizon Cloud deployment with NSX Cloud with fewer manual steps than in earlier releases.

Horizon Cloud integration is supported with NSX Cloud management components – NSX Manager and Cloud Service Manager (CSM) – deployed either on-premise, or natively in Microsoft Azure, starting in NSX 3.1.1.

The diagrams depict the options available to deploy NSX Cloud management components and shared subnets between PCG and Horizon Cloud Management components as possible scenarios for this integration.
Figure 1. Horizon Cloud Integration with NSX Cloud Components deployed On-prem
This graphic shows that NSX Cloud management components, namely, NSX Manager and CSM, are deployed on-prem.
Figure 2. Horizon Cloud Integration with NSX Cloud with NSX Cloud Components deployed in Microsoft Azure
This graphic shows two VNets in Microsoft Azure.

You must deploy your Horizon Cloud pod in the same Self-managed/Transit VNet where you have deployed the PCG. After deploying the Horizon Cloud pod in a Self-managed/Transit VNet, the system auto-creates the necessary NSX policies to enable communication between Horizon Cloud management components and VDIs deployed in Microsoft Azure. You can create security policies for VDIs as necessary.

Note: Auto-creation of entities is a feature of NSX version 3.1.1 and later only.


  • Verify that NSX Cloud management components are already deployed and active. See Deploy NSX On-Prem Components or Deploy NSX Cloud Components in Microsoft Azure using the NSX Cloud Marketplace Image for relevant instructions for your deployment model.
  • Verify that a PCG is already deployed in the same VNet where you are deploying the Horizon Cloud pod. A VNet that has the PCG deployed in it is called a Self-managed or Transit VNet in NSX Cloud terminology. See NSX Public Cloud Gateway: Architecture and Modes of Deployment.
  • If NSX Cloud management components are deployed on-prem, verify that you have a Self-managed or Transit VNet connected with the on-prem components using VGW or IGW connectivity.
  • If you are deploying NSX Cloud management components in the public cloud, verify that you have a peering connection between the VNet where NSX Cloud components are deployed and the Self-managed/ Transit VNet.


  1. From your Microsoft Azure subscription, deploy the Horizon Cloud pod in a Self-managed/Transit VNet. See Horizon Pods on Microsoft Azure - Using the Horizon Cloud Administration Console Capacity Page to Add More Pods to Your Pod Fleet in the Horizon Cloud Service Product Documentation for detailed steps. Note the following configurations in the Add Microsoft Azure Capacity wizard that are specific to integration with NSX Cloud:
    1. In the Subscription tab, select the Microsoft Azure subscription where PCG is deployed.
    2. In the Pod Setup tab, under the section Networking for Virtual Network, select the Microsoft Azure VNet in which PCG is deployed.
      Use subnets that allow communication between the PCG and Horizon Cloud management components.
    3. Click Validate and Proceed
  2. Create a base image with NSX Tools installed.
    If you are using pod manifest 2632.0 or later, and your customer record has access to the new Image Management feature that auto-installs NSX Tools into the base image, enable Install NSX Tools.
    If you are using pod manifests prior to 2632.0, follow the steps described at Install the NSX Agent in the Horizon Cloud Imported Image VM to manually install NSX Tools in the base image.
  3. Use the base image to create the VDI desktop assignment, enabling NSX Cloud Managed. See Horizon Cloud Workflows and NSX Cloud for details.

What to do next

Verify the Auto-Created Entities After Horizon Cloud Integration.