You can trigger uninstallation of NSX on a host that is part of a vSphere Lifecycle Manager cluster through NSX Manager.


  1. From a browser, log in with admin privileges to an NSX Manager at https://<nsx-manager-ip-address> or https://<nsx-manager-fqdn>.
  2. Select the cluster and click Remove NSX.
    vSphere Lifecycle Manager removes the NSX solution applied to the cluster in vCenter Server.
    Important: You cannot detach a transport node profile on a vSphere Lifecycle Manager-enabled cluster. You must remove NSX on the cluster.
  3. If vSphere Lifecycle Manager fails to remove the NSX Solution applied to the cluster in vCenter Server or remove NSX on one or more transport nodes, then vSphere Lifecycle Manager marks the cluster and or transport nodes in Uninstall Failed state.
    1. Select the cluster and click Remove NSX on the cluster to retry uninstallation.
    Note: vSphere Lifecycle Manager puts the DPU-backed hosts in maintenance mode and reboots it as part of host remediation. If vSphere Lifecycle Manager fails to place the host in maintenance mode, you need to manually power off all VMs and then retry NSX installation.