If you encounter an issue while using the NSX Application Platform and must provide the VMware support team with a support bundle, collect the bundle using the NSX Manager UI. You can download the bundle to your local system or upload them to a remote file server.


  • You must have Enterprise Admin account privileges.
  • The NSX Application Platform must be successfully deployed.


  1. From your browser, log in with Enterprise Admin privileges to an NSX Manager at https://<nsx-manager-ip-address>.
  2. Navigate to System > Support Bundle.
  3. In the Request Bundle tab, select NSX Application Platform from the Type drop-down menu.
  4. In the Available pane, select the Available check box if you want support bundles collected for all the services.
    Optionally select specific the NSX Application Platform services for which you want a support bundle created.
  5. To move the selected nodes to the Selected pane, click the > icon.
  6. In the Log age (days) text box, keep the default value of All or enter the specific number of days' worth of logs that you want included in the support bundle.
  7. (Optional) To specify that you want the core files and audit log files to be included in the support bundle, click the Include core files and audit logs toggle to Yes.
    Ensure that you read the information under the toggle and understand what it means when you include or exclude the core files and audit logs.
  8. (Optional) Select the Upload bundle to a remote file server check box if you want to upload the support bundle to a remote file server.
    1. Provide the remote file server's IP address or host name; port, and protocol to use.
    2. Enter the user name and password for the remote file server.
    3. Enter the absolute destination path to where the bundle is to be uploaded in the remote server.
    4. If you want the NSX Manager to upload the bundle, toggle Manager upload to Enabled.
  9. Click Start Bundle Collection.
  10. Monitor the status of the bundle collection process.
    The Status page shows the progress of the support bundle collection. When the collection has finished successfully, the size of the bundle is displayed next to Support Bundle. The Details table displays the info about all the support bundles that completed successfully or did not finish.
  11. To store the support bundle to a local folder, click Download.
    If you selected the Upload the bundle to a remote file server check box earlier, the support bundle is uploaded to the file server you had specified.

What to do next

For information about the support bundle files, see Understanding NSX Application Platform Support Bundle File Paths.