After you successfully deploy the NSX Application Platform, you can activate the NSX features that are available to be hosted on the platform.

The following features are either automatically activated or are available for activation after a successful NSX Application Platform deployment. Each feature activation is dependent on meeting the minimum system requirements for that NSX feature. See NSX Application Platform System Requirements for details.

For details about activating an NSX feature, consult the specific documentation mentioned for that feature in the following table.

Hosted NSX Feature


VMware NSX® Metrics

The NSX Metrics feature collects data that allows it to monitor key statistics across the entities in your NSX and the NSX Application Platform environments. This feature is automatically activated after a successful NSX Application Platform deployment.

By default, the data collection feature is always activated for the NSX Application Platform and cannot be turned off. Data collection for NSX entities is turned on by default, but you can optionally turn it off by toggling NSX to off.

For information on how to use the NSX Metrics feature, see the "APIs to Fetch Time-Series Metrics" topic included in the version 3.2 or later of the NSX Administration Guide delivered in the VMware NSX Documentation set.

For additional API information, see the NSX Intelligence and Application Platform API Reference webpage.

VMware NSX® Intelligence™

The NSX Intelligence feature aggregates the network traffic flows in your NSX environment to provide deep traffic flow visibility, firewall policy recommendations, and suspicious traffic detection. To allow for scale-out capability, this feature is now hosted on the NSX Application Platform beginning with NSX Intelligence 3.2.

For information on how to activate this feature, see the Activating and Upgrading VMware NSX Intelligence document for version 3.2 or later in the VMware NSX Intelligence Documentation set.

For a production environment, this feature requires that you select the Advanced form factor during the NSX Application Platform deployment.

VMware NSX® Network Detection and Response™

The NSX Network Detection and Response feature sends threat alert data to the VMware NSX® Advanced Threat Prevention cloud services, which then performs correlation and visualization on those data using the NSX Network Detection and Response user interface.

For activation information, see the NSX Network Detection and Response information in the NSX Administration Guide version 3.2 or later delivered with the VMware NSX Documentation set.

VMware NSX® Malware Prevention

This feature detects and prevents malicious files (malware) from entering into your NSX environment and from spreading laterally across the data center. It uses NSX Advanced Threat Prevention cloud services to fetch periodic detection updates and to upload the data for further analysis.

For activation information, see the NSX Malware Prevention information in the NSX Administration Guide for version 3.2 or later in the VMware NSX Documentation set.