NSX Edge nodes are where most of the networking and security services run.

Note: The object names and configuration values that are used in the steps below are example values mentioned in Preparing the Environment. Replace them with names and values that are appropriate for your environment.

Deploy NSX Edge Nodes

  1. In NSX Manager, go to System > Fabric > Nodes > Edge Transport Nodes.
  2. Click Add Edge Node.
  3. Provide the following information.
    Name Edge-1
    Host name edge-1.hr.example.com
    Form Factor Select the appropriate edge node size.
    CLI User Name admin
    CLI Password
    Allow SSH Login Select an option based on your datacenter policy.
    System Root Password
    Allow Root SSH Login Select an option based on your datacenter policy.
    Audit User Name audit
    Audit Password
    Compute Manager VC-1
    Cluster Cluster-NSX
    Datastore Storage-1
    IP Assignment Static
    Management IP
    Default Gateway
    Management Interface PG-mgmt
    DNS Servers
    NTP Servers
    Edge Switch name nvds1
    Transport Zone nsx-overlay-transportzone, nsx-vlan-transport-zone
    Uplink Profile Uplink-profile-1
    IP Assignment Use Static IP List
    Static IP List
    Subnet Mask
    DPDK Fastpath Interfaces Click Select Interface and select the port group PG-all-VLAN, which was created in Step 2: Configure a VDS.
  4. Wait until the Configuration State column displays Success. You can click the Refresh button to refresh the window.
  5. Repeat steps 4-6 to deploy Edge-2 on host with management IP and static IP

Create an Edge Cluster

  1. In NSX Manager, go to System > Fabric > Nodes > Edge Clusters.
  2. Click Add Edge Cluster.
  3. In the Name field, enter Edge-cluster-1.
  4. Move Edge-1 and Edge-2 from the Available window to the Selected window.
  5. Click Add.