You can check the memory waste levels of a virtual machine host for a specific period of time. For example, you can check the memory waste levels in the last month.
- Verify that you are connected to a VMware Aria Operations instance.
- Verify that you are connected to the vCenter Server system that is monitored by the VMware Aria Operations instance.
- Browse the vCenter Server inventory and select a virtual machine host for which you want to check the memory waste levels.
$vmHost = Get-VMHost 'MyHost'
- Get the VMware Aria Operations resource that refers to this virtual machine host.
$hostResource = $vmHost | Get-OMResource
- Check the defined metrics for this VMware Aria Operations resource type.
Get-OMStatKey -AdapterKind $hostResource.AdapterKind -ResourceKind $hostResource.ResourceKind
- Get data for a specific metric.
$hostResource | Get-OMStat -Key "mem|waste"
Note: This command retrieves all available metric data with the highest available granularity.
- Get metric data for the last month aggregated on a daily basis.
$hostResource | Get-OMStat -Key "mem|waste" -From ([datetime]::Now.AddMonths(-1)) -IntervalType Days -IntervalCount 1 -RollupType Avg