To help you get started with VMware PowerCLI , this documentation provides a set of sample scripts that illustrate basic and advanced tasks in VMware Aria Operations .
What to read next
Connect to a VMware Aria Operations Server To run VMware Aria Operations cmdlets, you must establish a connection to a VMware Aria Operations server and a vCenter Server system that is monitored by the VMware Aria Operations instance.
Check Memory Waste Levels You can check the memory waste levels of a virtual machine host for a specific period of time. For example, you can check the memory waste levels in the last month.
Get Remediation Recommendations You can get remediation recommendations for a specific resource, such as a problematic virtual machine.
Change Alert Ownership You can retrieve all active alerts for a specific datastore and assign the alert ownership to your user profile.
Create a Report for Problematic Hosts You can create a report for virtual machine hosts that have problematic health status.