You can upgrade to a newer version of VMware Pulse IoT Center.


  1. In the VMware Pulse Iot Center Administration console, navigate to Updates.
  2. Click Search for Updates to check for available updates.
  3. Click Install.
    A message is displayed saying during an upgrade, the node, and its services restart.
  4. Click Install.
    A message is displayed that the upgrade is in progress and the node management restarts during the upgrade installation.
  5. To verify, if the upgrade is done, navigate to VMware Pulse IoT Center > Services > Version.
    The version is upgraded to a newer version than before.

    After upgrade, previously added Pulse nodes will be removed by default. You have to add them manually.

    1. To add a node manually, navigate to Nodes page. Click ADD.
      If Pulse Node admin password is not set or empty, the ADD button is disabled. In this case, you have to enter Pulse Node admin password and then click ADD.
    2. Add the node details.
    3. Click ADD.
      A message saying a node is added successfully is displayed.
      Note: After the load balancer node upgrade, previously added Pulse nodes will be removed by default.