Describes the data retention policy for the VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator.

SD-WAN Data Retention

SD-WAN Data Default Maximum Prior to 4.0 Release

Enterprise Events

40 weeks

1 year

40 weeks

Enterprise Alerts

40 weeks

1 year

No policy

Operator Events

40 weeks

1 year

40 weeks

Enterprise Proxy Events

40 weeks

1 year

40 weeks

Firewall Logs

Not supported

Not supported

40 weeks

Link Stats

40 weeks

1 year

40 weeks

Link QoE

40 weeks

1 year

40 weeks

Path Stats

2 weeks

2 weeks


Flow Stats

1 year – 1 hour rollup

2 weeks – 5 min

1 year – 1 hour rollup

3 month – 5 min

1 year with rollup

Edge Stats

2 weeks

2 weeks

No policy

Important Note

  • Currently, as per design, the Edge Stats data is present in monthly partitions. So if we were to truncate data older than 2 weeks, it essentially truncates data older than a month and the SD-WAN Orchestrator Monitor page displays the current and the immediate previous month's health stats data.