When enabled in the VeloCloud Orchestrator, VeloCloud Voice Quality Monitoring (VQM) diagnoses, monitors, and troubleshoots network issues that impact voice communications.
These report metrics provide a high-level health overview of the network and specific details of each call session, which get sent to a RFC6035 compliant VQM Collector (e.g. Oracle Palladion, Telchemy SQMediator, etc.). If there are multiple reports sent from a single call session, the VQM collector will correlate these reports into a single coherent quality record.
Enabling Voice Quality Monitoring
To enable Voice Quality Monitoring (VQM):
- Go to Configure > Edges > Device tab.
- Scroll down to the Voice Quality Monitoring Settings area. (See image below).
- Check the Enabled checkbox to enable VQM.
- From the Protocol drop-down menu, select the Protocol.
- In the Collectors text box, type in the IP Address and Port number of the location where you would like to receive the Voice Quality metric reports. To add multiple IP Addresses and Ports, click the " +" symbol. To delete a Collector, click the " -" symbol.
- If applicable, check the Enable Edge Override checkbox. Hover over the symbol of the "triangle exclamation point" to view the pop up message (as displayed in the image above).
Supported RFC6035 Report Metrics
The table below lists the supported RFC6035 report metrics.
Category | RFC 6035 Metrics
Call and User Info |
LocalGroup, RemoteGroup, CallID, LocalID, RemoteID, OrigID, LocalAddr, RemoteAddr |
Call Config Info | PayloadType, SampleRate, PacketLossConcealment, JitterBufferNominal,JitterBufferMax, JitterBufferAdaptive, SampleRate
Listening Quality | MOS-LQ, ListeningQualityR, SignalLevel, NoiseLevel |
Conversational Quality | MOS-CQ, ConversationalQualityR, RoundTripDelay, EndSystemDelay, ResidualEchoReturnLoss |
IP Network Health | NetworkPacketLoss, JitterBufferDiscardRate, InterarrivalJitter, MeanAbsoluteJitter,BurstLossDensity, BurstDuration, GapLossDensity, GapDuration |
Supported VOIP Codecs
The following VOIP codecs are supported.
- G.711 A-law / μ-law
- G.723.1
- G.723.1 Annex C
- G.728
- G.729
- G.729A/AB
- G.729E
- G.726
- G.722 with PLC App. 3
- MS RTAudio
- IS-54
- iLBC
- Broadvoice16
- Broadvoice32
- AMBE2Plus
- GSM 06.10/06.20/06.30
- AMR-WB/G.722.2
- Siren7/G.722.1
- Siren14/G.722.1C
- Siren14/G.722.1C with LPR
- Siren22 (32, 48 and 64 kbit/s)
- Siren22 with LPR
- G.729 + GIPS NetEQ,
- GIPS Enhanced G.711 μ-law
- GIPS Enhanced G.711 A-law
- Speex Narrowband
- Speex Wideband
- Lucent/elemedia SX7300
- Lucent/elemedia SX9600
- Japanese PDC