The SD-WAN Orchestrator Test & Troubleshoot functionality provides tools to test the status of the VMware service, perform Edge actions, and gather Packet Capture information for an individual Edge.

You can access these features under the Test & Troubleshoot section of the navigation panel listed as follows:

When you click Test & Troubleshoot, the Remote Diagnostics screen appears. It displays all the Edges you have defined in the Edge column at the bottom of the screen.


You can use the Filter to find Edges based on connection Status, Name, IP address, Serial Number, Software Version, and Software Build. However, before you can perform any of the Test & Troubleshoot options, you must select an Edge from the Edge column. See the sections below for more information regarding each of the Test & Troubleshooting options from the navigation panel (Remote Diagnostics, Remote Actions, and Diagnostic Bundles).