VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator allows the Administrator (Enterprise or Partner) to enable Analytics on an existing SD-WAN Edge.

To enable Analytics on an existing SD-WAN Edge, perform the following steps.


  • Ensure that all the necessary system properties to enable Analytics are properly set in the SD-WAN Orchestrator. For more information, contact your Operator Super User.
  • Ensure that the Analytics functionality is enabled for the Customer associated with the Edge.
  • If the Edge is using the 4.2 release, ensure the Edge has a LAN interface that is up and advertised or use the special MGMT-IP software build, otherwise the Edge will not be able to send metrics to the ENI backend.


  1. In the Enterprise portal, navigate to Manage Customers.
  2. Select a customer and then go to Configure > Edges.
    The Edges screen appears.
  3. Click the Edge name to enable Analytics.
  4. In Edge Overview tab, from the Analytics drop-down menu, select one of the following Analytics modes for the Edge:
    • Application Analytics - Gains access to fault isolation and Application-specific Analytics.
    • Application and Branch Analytics - Gains access to Application-specific Analytics and Branch Analytics.
    • By default, None is selected.
  5. Click Save Changes.


An Analytic Edge is provisioned for the selected customer. Once the Edge is provisioned, the Analytics functionality collects data, performs deep packet inspection of all traffic, identifies network application and correlates traffic with user information.

What to do next