Describes how to create a resource group in Azure.

To create a resource group in Azure:


  • Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.


  1. Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.
    The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.
  2. Click All Services and search for Resource groups.
  3. Select Resource groups and click +Add.
    The Create a resource group screen appears.
  4. From the Subscription drop-down menu, select your Microsoft Azure subscription.
  5. In the Resource group text box, enter a unique name for your new resource group.
    A resource group name can include alphanumeric characters, periods (.), underscores (_), hyphens (-), and parenthesis (), but the name cannot end with a period.
  6. From the Region drop-down menu, select the location for your resource group, where the majority of your resources will reside.
  7. Click Review+create and then click Create.


A resource group is created and appears on the Azure portal dashboard.

What to do next

Create an Azure Virtual WAN. For steps, see Create a Virtual WAN.