In the Authentication tab, you can setup the authentication mode for the enterprises and view the existing API tokens.

In the Enterprise portal, click Administration > System Settings > Authentication to configure the following:

Enterprise Authentication

Choose one of the following from the Authentication Mode:
  • NATIVE – This is the default authentication mode and you can login to the Enterprise with the native username and password. This mode does not require any configuration.
  • SSO – Single Sign On (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that allows the users to log into the Enterprise with one set of login credentials to access multiple applications. For more information, see Overview of Single Sign On and Configure Single Sign On for Enterprise User.

API Tokens

You can access the Orchestrator APIs using token-based authentication, irrespective of the authentication mode. You can view the existing API tokens in this section.

The Operator Super User or the User associated with an API token can revoke the token. Select the token and click Actions > Revoke. To create and download the API tokens, see API Tokens.