Address Groups can store a range of IP addresses with different options and/or domain names.


  1. In the Enterprise portal, click Configure > Object Groups.
  2. In the Address Groups tab, click Actions > New.
  3. In the Configure Address Group window, enter a Name and Description for the Address Group.
  4. Under IP Address Ranges, enter the range of IPv4 or IPv6 Addresses by selecting the Prefix or Mask options as: CIDR prefix, Subnet mask, or Wildcard mask, as required.
  5. Under Domains, enter the domain names or FQDNs for the Address Group. The domain names defined in the Address Group can be used as a matching criteria for Business policies or Firewall rules.
    Note: When configuring domains as match criteria for an Address Group, the SD-WAN service first checks for an IP address match. If a match is found, then the service skips domain name matching. However, if no match is found for an IP address, then the service performs a domain name match in the Address Group.
    Important: The matching criteria may match basic wildcard patterns. For example, if you configure a domain in an Address Group as, then and/or may also match this criteria. However, if you configure as the domain in an Address Group, then will not match this policy.
  6. Click Create.

What to do next

You can define a business policy and a firewall rule with the Address Group. For more information, see:

You can modify the IP addresses and domain names in an Address Group by clicking Actions > Update in the Address Groups tab.

To delete an Address Group, click Actions > Delete. Before deleting an Address Group, ensure to exclude the Address Group from the business policies or firewall rules.