You can clone the configurations from an existing customer and create a new customer with the cloned settings.

Only Operator Super users and MSP Super users can clone a customer.

By default, the following configurations are cloned from the selected customer:
  • Enterprise configuration profiles
  • Enterprise network services and objects like:
    • DNS services
    • Private network names
    • Network Segments
  • Customer capabilities
  • Edge authentication scheme
  • Address groups and Port groups
Note: Distributed Cost Calculation is not copied to the cloned Enterprise.
You cannot clone an Enterprise if it consists of the following:
  • Profile with Edge references like hubs, clusters, and so on
  • Profile containing Partner Gateway References
  • Cloud Security Service enabled
  • Non SD-WAN Destinations
  • VNF or VNF licenses
  • Authentication services
  • NetFlow objects like collectors or filters

In the Operator portal, navigate to Manage Customers.

  1. In the Customers page, select the customer you want to clone, and then click Actions > Clone Customer.
  2. In the New Customer window, enter the following details. You can also choose the New Customer option to create a new customer without cloning the configurations from the selected customer. See Create New Customer.

  3. Under Clone Configuration, you can configure the following details.
    Option Description
    Template Customer

    By default, the selected customer is considered for the cloning purpose. If required, you can choose a different customer from the drop-down list.

    If a customer or Enterprise does not meet the appropriate cloning conditions, as listed at the beginning of this section, then it is not available in the drop-down list. This list displays only the name of customers that can be cloned.

    Additional Clone Attributes In addition to the default cloned configurations, you can select the following settings to be cloned, as required:
    • Security Policy
    • Alert Configuration
    • Global Routing Preferences
    • IAAS Subscriptions
  4. Enter the Customer Information and Administrative Account details, as described in Create New Customer.
  5. In the Customer Configuration section, the Operator Profile or Software Images are cloned from the selected customer. If needed, you can modify the cloned customer configuration settings.
  6. In the Service Configuration section, the configurations are cloned from the selected customer. You can modify the parameters as required. For more information, see Create New Customer.
  7. Click Create.

The new customer name is displayed in the Customers page. The customer is already configured with the cloned settings. You can click the customer name to navigate to the Enterprise portal and add or modify the configurations. for more information about customer configurations and settings, see Configure Customers and VMware Administration Guide available at