The Network Overview page displays the overall summary of the network, like activated Edges, links, top applications, and other configured data.

To view the Network Overview summary:

In the SD-WAN service of the Enterprise portal, click Monitor > Network Overview.

The Network Overview page displays the summary of the network in a graphical representation. In this page, you can find details about Activated Edges, Links, Top performing Applications and Edges by data volume, Profiles used by the Edges, Activated Segements, Software version of the Edges, and so on.

Also, the Network Overview page displays additional information about the Edges that are connected, degraded, and down in a table format as shown in the screenshot below. For a provisioned and activated Edge, you can find additional details such as name and status of Edge, number of links and hub links that are stable, name of Cluster to which the Edge is assigned, High Availability (HA) mode if the Edge is running and above versions, Bastion state if Bastion Orchestrator is configured, secrets encryption, and date/time when the Edge is activated.

The following details are displayed:

Option Description
Activated Edges

Displays the number of Edges and Hubs that are connected, degraded, and down, along with a graphical representation. Click the link to a number and details of the corresponding Edges or Hubs are displayed in the bottom panel.

In the following table, click the link to the Edge or the cluster name to navigate to the corresponding tabs.


Displays the number of links and hub links that are stable, degraded, and down, along with a graphical representation. Click the link to a number and details of the corresponding links or Hub links are displayed in the bottom panel.

In the following table, click the link to the Hub name to navigate to the corresponding tab.

Top Apps by Data Volume Displays the top 10 applications sorted by volume of data.
Top Edges by Data Volume Displays the top 10 Edges sorted by volume of data.
Profiles Used Displays the details of used and unused profiles.
Segments Activated Displays the details of activated and other segments.
Software Version Displays the details of software versions of the Edges, that are up to date and outdated.
Edges with Enabled VNF Displays the number of Edges activated with VNF, that are with status Error, Off, and On.
Edges with Enabled A-S Pair Displays the number of Edges activated as Active-Standby pair, that are with status Failed, Pending, and Ready.
Non SD-WAN Destinations via Gateway Displays the number of non SD-WAN destinations that are connected and offline.

Hover the mouse on the graphs to view more details.