To access resources in your Azure subscription, you must assign the application to a role. You can set the scope at the level of the subscription, resource group, or resource. Permissions are inherited to lower levels of scope.

To assign a Contributor role at the subscription scope:


  • Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.


  1. Click All Services and search for Subscriptions.
  2. From the list of subscriptions, select the subscription to which you want to assign your application. If you do not see the subscription that you are looking for, select global subscriptions filter. Make sure the subscription you want is selected for the portal.
  3. Click Access control (IAM).
  4. Click +Add > Add role assignment.
    The Add role assignment dialog box appears.
  5. From the Role drop-down menu, select the Contributor role to assign to the application.
    To allow the application to execute actions like reboot, start and stop instances, it is recommended that users assign the Contributor role to the App Registration.
  6. From the Assign access to drop-down menu, select Azure AD user, group, or service principal.
    By default, Azure AD applications are not displayed in the available options. To find your application, search for the name and select it.
  7. Select Save.


The application is assigned to the Contributor role and it appears in the list of users assigned to a role for that scope.

What to do next