VMware recommends that you upgrade to the latest patch available for your current minor, and then upgrade to the latest patch available for the next minor.

For product versions and upgrade paths, see Upgrade Planner.

Because VMware uses the Percona Distribution for MySQL, expect a time lag between Oracle releasing a MySQL patch and VMware releasing VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service containing that patch.


VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service 3.1.x is the last version of VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service that supports MySQL 5.7. For more information about the upgrade process from 5.7 to 8.0, including items to review to ensure a smooth transition, please see Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0.


Release Date: April 8th, 2024


This release includes the following changes:

  • When you configure a previously inactive plan, the MySQL Default Version text box for the plan is set to MySQL 8.0 by default, instead of the previous default value MySQL 5.7.
  • The bootstrap errand now self-selects a high-availability cluster instance node on which to run, and no longer requires the --instance flag.
  • Added additional verbosity (innodb,query_plan,microtime) to the slow_query_log.
  • A number of high and critical CVEs are addressed by updating components to the latest version.

Resolved Issues

  • Binding creation is further isolated from ongoing transaction execution. Previously, binding creation during an active transaction sometimes failed or aborted the transaction.
  • Improved recovery of MySQL service instances after a VM reboot.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 1.406*
Percona Server 5.7.44-48
Percona Server 8.0.36-28*
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.44-31.65
Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0.36-28*
Percona XtraBackup 2.4.29
Percona XtraBackup 8.0.35-30
adbr-release 0.103.0*
bpm-release 1.2.18*
cf-cli-release 1.59.0
cf-service-gateway-release 148.0.0*
count-cores-indicator-release 2.0.0*
dedicated-mysql-release 0.217.43*
dedicated-mysql-adapter-release 0.382.53*
loggregator-agent-release 7.7.5
mysql-data-backup-restore-release 3.1.0*
mysql-monitoring-release 10.13.0*
on-demand-service-broker-release 0.45.4*
pxc-release 1.0.26*
routing-release 0.295.0*
service-metrics-release 2.0.36


Release Date: Jan 19th, 2023


3.1.x is the last version of VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service that supports MySQL 5.7.

Resolved Issues

This release resolves the following issues:

  • A number of high and critical CVEs were addressed by updating the components to the latest version.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 1.340*
Percona Server 5.7.44-48*
Percona Server 8.0.35-27*
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.43-31.65*
Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0.35-27*
Percona XtraBackup 2.4.29*
Percona XtraBackup 8.0.35-30*
adbr-release 0.98.0*
bpm-release 1.2.13*
cf-cli-release 1.59.0*
cf-service-gateway-release 140.0.0*
count-cores-indicator-release 2.0.0*
dedicated-mysql-release 0.217.25*
dedicated-mysql-adapter-release 0.382.33*
loggregator-agent-release 7.7.4*
mysql-backup-release 2.37.0*
mysql-monitoring-release 10.10.0*
on-demand-service-broker-release 0.45.3*
pxc-release 1.0.23*
routing-release 0.287.0*
service-metrics-release 2.0.34*


This version was an internal dev-release


Release Date: Oct 26th, 2023


3.1.x is the last version of VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service that supports MySQL 5.7.

Resolved Issues

This release resolves the following issues:

  • A number of high and critical CVEs were addressed by updating the components to the latest version.

  • Users who upgraded multi-site deployments from previous versions to 3.1.0 could experience leader/follower connectivity issues upon switchover. This release addresses that behavior.

  • Fixed an issue where smoke tests could time out prematurely when a high availability plan is configured as the first plan in the MySQL Tile.

  • Fixed a high-availability proxy dashboard access issue.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 1.260*
Percona Server 5.7.43-47
Percona Server 8.0.33-25
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.43-31.65*
Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0.33-25
Percona XtraBackup 2.4.28
Percona XtraBackup 8.0.33-28*
adbr-release 0.93.0*
bpm-release 1.2.9*
cf-cli-release 1.50.0*
cf-service-gateway-release 128.0.0*
count-cores-indicator-release 2.0.0
dedicated-mysql-release 0.217.6*
dedicated-mysql-adapter-release 0.382.13*
loggregator-agent-release 7.6.4*
mysql-backup-release 2.32.0*
mysql-monitoring-release 10.5.0*
on-demand-service-broker-release 0.45.0*
pxc-release 1.0.18*
routing-release 0.283.0*
service-metrics-release 2.0.33*


Release Date: Oct 4th, 2023

This release allows application developers to set up multi-site plans between VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs foundations without the need for platform engineers to make the foundations routable.


3.1.x is the last version of VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service that supports MySQL 5.7.

Resolved Issues

This release resolves the following issues:

  • MySQL service bindings support MariaDB Connector/J v3.0 and later::

    MariaDB Connector/J 3.0 and later, by default, accept only jdbc:mariadb connection strings.

    In service bindings created by the MySQL tile, the jdbcUrl parameter now includes the permitMysqlScheme option. This ensures that apps that use MariaDB Connector/J 3.0 and later are compatible with MySQL tile service bindings.

  • Removes obsolete syslog_migration_selector certificates field. The certificates eventually expire, causing a certificate flag in Tanzu Operations Manager, but the field was hidden, so manual intervention was required to address the flag.

  • Fixes an issue where users were unable to delete service keys created for MySQL 8.0 service instances with single-node or leader-follower topologies.


This release includes the following changes:

  • Adds dynamic configuration of wsrep_applier_threads. For information about this configuration, see WSREP applier threads in Changing Defaults Using Arbitrary Parameters.

  • Sets wsrep_applier_threads value based on available CPUs to improve throughput.

  • To support named time zones, time zone information is now loaded into the MySQL system database by default. For information about how to use this feature, see the MySQL documentation.

  • Adds service-gateway support to multi-site topologies. For more information, see About enabling external access in About multi-site replication.

Known Issues

This release has the following known issues:

There is a known issue for customers running multi-site instances, when upgrading to version 3.1.0.

When upgrading the follower on the secondary foundation, the instance will fail to deploy because it will not be able to successfully communicate with the leader.

This can be confirmed by reviewing the MySQL error logs for that follower instance:

2023-10-18T23:02:30.580265Z 1 [ERROR] Slave I/O for channel '': error connecting to master 'f5243b8fb7954c7887f8c30fb7536f00@0e8dbc3b-b23a-408c-b9b2-2a78f1218e16.mysql.internal:3306' - retry-time: 60  retries: 1, Error_code: 2005

The issue can be addressed by one of these solutions + Create a new instance on the secondary foundation, and set that instance to be the new follower + Upgrade to the newest version 3.1 patch release - a fix has been included in 3.1.1

Breaking Changes

  • Percona 8.0.22: DROP USER fails with an error if any account to be dropped is named as the DEFINER attribute for any stored object.::

    This release addresses this breaking change in Percona. Deleting a service key no longer results in a failure when the user associated with the service key has been used to create stored objects. Instead, as in previous releases, the objects will be orphaned.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 1.222*
Percona Server 8.0.33-25*
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.42-31.65*
Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0.33-25*
Percona XtraBackup 2.4.28
Percona XtraBackup 8.0.33-28*
adbr-release 0.89.0*
bpm-release 1.2.7*
cf-cli-release 1.49.0*
cf-service-gateway-release 123.0.0*
count-cores-indicator-release 2.0.0
dedicated-mysql-release 0.217.1*
dedicated-mysql-adapter-release 0.382.2*
loggregator-agent-release 7.6.2*
mysql-backup-release 2.31.0*
mysql-monitoring-release 10.4.0*
on-demand-service-broker-release 0.44.0*
pxc-release 1.0.17*
routing-release 0.281.0*
service-metrics-release 2.0.32*

* Components marked with an asterisk have been updated

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