This topic describes how to back up and restore VMware Postgres Operator.


The VMware Postgres Operator allows you to backup instances on-demand, schedule automated backups, restore from a backup in-place or to new Postgres instances, and clone.

The supported locations for uploading and retrieving backup artifacts are Amazon S3 (or other S3-compatible data stores like Minio), or Azure Blob Storage.

VMware Postgres Operator backup and restore uses four Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs):

  • PostgresBackup: References a Postgres backup artifact that exists in an external blobstore such as S3 or Minio. Every time you generate an on-demand or scheduled backup, the VMware Postgres Operator creates a new PostgresBackup resource.

  • PostgresBackupLocation: References an external blobstore and the necessary credentials for blobstore access.

  • PostgresBackupSchedule: Represents a CronJob schedule specifying when to perform backups.

  • PostgresRestore: References a Postgres restore artifact that receives a PostgresBackup resource and restores the data from the backup to a new Postgres instance or to the same postgres instance (an in-place restore).

For detailed information about the CRDs, see Backup and Restore CRD API Reference.


Before creating a VMware Postgres Operator backup you need:

  • the kubectl command line tool installed on your local client, with access permissions to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • access permissions to a preconfigured storage where the pgdata persistent volume (PV) backups will be stored.
  • the access credentials that will populate the backup secret
  • the instance namespace, if the Postgres instance is already created. Use kubectl get namespaces for a list of available namespaces.
  • (optional) a pre-agreed backup schedule to be used to configure scheduled backups.

Backing Up VMware Postgres Operator

Create on-demand or scheduled backups by configuring the PostgresBackupLocation CRD, which specifies the details of the location and access credentials to the external blobstore.

Configure the Backup Location

To take a backup to an external S3 or Azure location, create a PostgresBackupLocation resource:

  1. Locate the backuplocation.yaml deployment yaml in the ./samples directory of your downloaded release, and create a copy with a unique name. For example:

    cp ~/Downloads/postgres-for-kubernetes-v1.8.0/samples/backuplocation.yaml testbackuplocation.yaml
  2. Edit the file using the configuration details of your external S3 bucket or Azure container. The same file contains the properties of your backup credentials secret.

    Note: Namespaces should not share the same bucket or bucketPath. Use a unique or (or for Azure or per namespace.

    For example:

        kind: PostgresBackupLocation
           name: backuplocation-sample
              type: count
              number: 9999999
              number: 9999999
          storage: #Either Azure or S3 storage can be configured 
    #        azure:
    #          container: "postgresql-backups"
    #          repoPath: "/my-repo-path"
    #          endpoint: ""
    #          keyType: "shared"
    #          forcePathStyle: false
    #          enableSSL: false
    #          secret:
    #            name: my-azure-backuplocation-secret
              bucket: "name-of-bucket"
              bucketPath: "/my-bucket-path"
              region: "us-east-1"
              endpoint: "custom-endpoint"
              forcePathStyle: false
              enableSSL: true
                name: backuplocation-creds-sample
          additionalParameters: {}
            enabled: true
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
          name: backuplocation-creds-sample
        type: generic
    #      accountName: "azure-storage-account-name" #azure account name
    #      accountKey: "azure-storage-key" #azure account key
          accessKeyId: "my-access-key-id"
          secretAccessKey: "my-secret-access-key"

    For details on the fields and properties see Backup and Restore CRD API Reference and Secret Properties.

  3. Create the PostgresBackupLocation resource in the Postgres instance namespace:



    • FILENAME is the name of the configuration file you created in Step 2 above.
    • DEVELOPMENT-NAMESPACE is the namespace for the Postgres instance you intend to backup.

    For example:

    kubectl apply -f testbackuplocation.yaml -n my-namespace created
    secret/backuplocation-creds-sample configured
  4. View the created PostgresBackupLocation by running:

    kubectl get postgresbackuplocation <BACKUP-LOCATION-NAME> \
    -o jsonpath={.spec} -n DEVELOPMENT-NAMESPACE

    For example:

    kubectl get postgresbackuplocation backuplocation-sample -o jsonpath={.spec} -n my-namespace

    If your storage is an S3 bucket, the command returns similar to:

  5. Update the Postgres instance manifest with the PostgresBackupLocation field. Go to the location where you have stored the VMware Postgres Operator instance manifest file. For example:

    cd ./postgres-for-kubernetes-v<version>
  6. Edit the manifest yaml file you used to deploy the instance; in this example the file is called postgres.yaml. Provide a value for the backupLocation attribute.

    For example:

    kind: Postgres
      name: postgres-sample
      storageClassName: standard
      storageSize: 800M
      cpu: "0.8"
      memory: 800Mi
      monitorStorageClassName: standard
      monitorStorageSize: 1G
         dbname: postgres-sample
         username: pgadmin
      serviceType: ClusterIP
         enabled: false
         name: backuplocation-sample
  7. Execute the kubectl apply command, specifying the manifest file you edited. For example:

    kubectl apply -f ./postgres.yaml --wait=false "postgres-sample" configured

    If the manifest file contains any incorrectly formatted values or unrecognized field names, an error message is displayed identifying the issue. Edit the manifest to correct the error and run the command again.

  8. Verify the updated configuration by viewing the backupLocation fields of the instance object:

    kubectl get postgres/postgres-sample -o jsonpath='{.spec.backupLocation}'

[Optional] Configure Client-side Encryption for Backups

From VMware Postgres Operator 1.7.0 backups are not automatically encrypted. VMware recommends configuring server-side encryption, using the tools offered by your storage provider. Users can optionally configure client-side encryption using the steps in this topic.

Note: The backups performed using the current backup location can still be restored as long as the backuplocation resource is not deleted from Kubernetes.

  1. Identify the backuplocation attached to the instance you'll like to set up encryption for:

    kubectl get postgres postgres-sample -n <namespace> 
    NAME              STATUS    DB VERSION   BACKUP LOCATION         AGE
    postgres-sample   Running   14.2         backuplocation-sample   17h

    where BACKUP LOCATION lists the name of the desired backup location.

  2. Output the contents of the backuplocation to a temporary file:

    kubectl get postgresbackuplocation backuplocation-sample -n default -o yaml > /tmp/backuplocation-to-encrypt.yaml
  3. Edit the /tmp/backuplocation-to-encrypt.yaml file to reflect a new unique metadata name, a cipher, and a new bucket or bucket path for s3 (or new container or repoPath for azure). In the S3 specific example below, we're using /sample-backup-path as the new bucket path, my-simple-cipher as the encryption key, and encrypted-backup-location as the unique backuplocation name:

    kind: PostgresBackupLocation
      name: encrypted-backup-location
          bucket: "name-of-bucket"
          bucketPath: "/sample-backup-path"
          region: "us-east-1"
          endpoint: "custom-endpoint"
          forcePathStyle: false
          enableSSL: true
            name: backuplocation-creds-sample
        repo1-cipher-pass: "my-simple-cipher"
        repo1-cipher-type: "aes-256-cbc"
  4. Execute the kubectl apply command, specifying the manifest file you edited. For example:

    kubectl apply -f /tmp/backuplocation-to-encrypt.yaml  created
  5. Edit the backupLocation attribute in the manifest yaml file you used to deploy the instance to reflect the recently created backuplocation.

    For example:

    kind: Postgres
      name: postgres-sample
      storageClassName: standard
      storageSize: 800M
      cpu: "0.8"
      memory: 800Mi
      monitorStorageClassName: standard
      monitorStorageSize: 1G
         dbname: postgres-sample
         username: pgadmin
      serviceType: ClusterIP
         enabled: false
         name: encrypted-backup-location
  6. Execute the kubectl apply command, specifying the manifest file you edited. For example:

    kubectl apply -f ./postgres.yaml --wait=false "postgres-sample" configured

    If the manifest file contains any incorrectly formatted values or unrecognized field names, an error message is displayed identifying the issue. Edit the manifest to correct the error and run the command again.

  7. Verify the updated configuration by viewing the backupLocation fields of the instance object:

    kubectl get postgres/postgres-sample -o jsonpath='{.spec.backupLocation}'
  8. The data pod will then be restarted to pick up the new changes to the backuplocation. Once the pods are up and running, use the following command to confirm that cipher is now in use

    kubectl exec -t postgres-sample-0 -- bash -c 'pgbackrest info --stanza=$BACKUP_STANZA_NAME | grep cipher'

    The output looks similar to:

    Defaulted container "pg-container" out of: pg-container, instance-logging, reconfigure-instance, postgres-metrics-exporter, postgres-sidecar
        cipher: aes-256-cbc

Perform an On-Demand Backup

Prerequisites: Ensure the Postgres instance you want to backup is not configured as a continuous restore target.

To take a manual on-demand backup follow these steps:

  1. Locate the backup.yaml deployment template located in the ./samples directory of the downloaded release file.

  2. Create a copy of the backup.yaml file and give it a unique name. For example:

    cp ~/Downloads/postgres-for-kubernetes-v1.8.0/backup.yaml testbackup.yaml
  3. Edit the file according to your environment. For details on the properties of the PostgresBackup resource, see Properties for the PostgresBackup Resource.

  4. Trigger the backup by creating the PostgresBackup resource in the instance namespace, by running:


    where FILENAME is the name of the configuration file you created in Step 3 above.

    For example:

    kubectl apply -f testbackup.yaml -n my-namespace created
  5. Verify that the backup has been generated, and track its progress by using:

    kubectl get postgresbackup backup-sample -n DEVELOPMENT-NAMESPACE

    For example:

    kubectl get postgresbackup backup-sample -n my-namespace
    backup-sample   Succeeded   postgres-sample     my-namespace      full   2021-08-31T14:29:14Z   2021-08-31T14:29:14Z

    For further details on the above output, see List Existing PostgresBackup Resources below.

Create Scheduled Backups

Prerequisites: Ensure the Postgres instance you want to backup is not configured as a continuous restore target.

To create scheduled backups, create a PostgresBackupSchedule resource:

  1. Locate the backupschedule.yaml template in the ./samples directory of the release download, and copy to a new file. For example:

    cp ~/Downloads/postgres-for-kubernetes-v2.0.2/samples/backupschedule.yaml testbackupschedule.yaml
  2. Edit the file with the name of the Postgres instance you want to backup. For example:

    kind: PostgresBackupSchedule
      name: backupschedule-sample
              name: postgres-sample
           type: full
      schedule: "0 0 * * SAT"


    • postgres-sample is the instance you're planning to backup.
    • type is full.
    • schedule is a cron job schedule; in this example it is planned for every Saturday at 00:00:00.

    For details on the PostgresBackupSchedule properties, see PostgresBackupSchedule Resource.

  3. In the same namespace of the instance referenced in the PostgresBackupSchedule file, create the backup schedule resource:



    • FILENAME is the name of the configuration file you created in Step 1.
    • DEVELOPMENT-NAMESPACE is the namespace for the Postgres instance you intend to backup.

    For example:

    kubectl apply -f testbackupschedule.yaml -n my-namespace created
  4. Verify that the PostgresBackupSchedule has been created by running:

    kubectl get postgresbackupschedule backupschedule-sample -o jsonpath={.spec} -n DEVELOPMENT-NAMESPACE

    For example:

    kubectl get postgresbackupschedule backupschedule-sample -o jsonpath={.spec} -n my-namespace
        "backupTemplate": {
        "spec": {
        "sourceInstance": {
          "name": "postgres-sample"
        "type": "full"
        "schedule": "@daily"

    After configuring the PostgresBackupLocation resource and the PostgresBackupSchedule resource for an existing Postgres instance, backups will be generated and uploaded to the external blobstore at the scheduled time.

    The PostgresBackupSchedule generates PostgresBackup resources that have a name format like: SCHEDULE-NAME-TIMESTAMP. For example, if the PostgresBackup resource on the Kubernetes cluster is named pgbackupschedule-sample, and a backup was taken on Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 8:51:03 PM GMT, the PostgresBackup resource name is pgbackupschedule-sample-20201210-205103.

  5. Checkt the `status.message field in PostgresBackupSchedule CR:

    kubectl get postgresbackupschedule backupschedule-sample -o jsonpath={.status.message}

Listing Backup Resources

You might want to list existing PostgresBackup resources for various reasons, for example:

  • To select a backup to restore. For steps to restore a backup, see Restoring VMware Postgres Operator.
  • To see the last successful backup.
  • To verify that scheduled backups are running as expected.
  • To find old backups that need to be cleaned up. For steps to delete backups, see Deleting Old Backups.

List existing PostgresBackup resources by running:

kubectl get postgresbackup
backup-sample   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-08-31T14:29:14Z   2021-08-31T14:29:14Z


  • STATUS Represents the current status of the backup. Allowed values are:
    • Pending: The backup has been received but not scheduled on a Postgres Pod.
    • Running: The backup is being generated and streamed to the external blobstore.
    • Succeeded: The backup has completed successfully.
    • Failed: The backup has failed to complete. To troubleshoot a failed backup, see Troubleshoot Backup and Restore.
  • SOURCE INSTANCE is the Postgres instance the backup was taken from.
  • TYPE is the type of Postgres backup that was executed.
  • TIME STARTED is the time that the backup process started.
  • TIME COMPLETED is the time that the backup process finished. If the backup fails, this value is empty.

Use the pgbackrest command directly on the primary pod to review all existing backups, independent of version. For example, login into the pod and run:

postgres@postgres-sample-0:/$ pgbackrest info --stanza=${BACKUP_STANZA_NAME}

If the BACKUP_STANZA_NAME is default-postgres-sample, the output would be similar to:

stanza: default-postgres-sample
    status: ok
    cipher: aes-256-cbc

    db (current)
        wal archive min/max (11): 000000010000000000000004/000000010000000000000009

        full backup: 20210915-140558F
            timestamp start/stop: 2021-09-15 14:05:58 / 2021-09-15 14:06:04
            wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000004 / 000000010000000000000004
            database size: 31.0MB, database backup size: 31.0MB
            repo1: backup set size: 3.7MB, backup size: 3.7MB

        full backup: 20210916-143321F
            timestamp start/stop: 2021-09-16 14:33:21 / 2021-09-16 14:33:41
            wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000009 / 000000010000000000000009
            database size: 31MB, database backup size: 31MB
            repo1: backup set size: 3.7MB, backup size: 3.7MB

To list backups related to a specific Postgres instance in the cluster, use:

kubectl get postgresbackups -l postgres-instance=postgres-sample

with output similar to:

backup-sample     Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace        full           2021-10-05T21:17:34Z   2021-10-05T21:17:41Z
backup-sample-1   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace        full           2021-10-05T21:28:46Z   2021-10-05T21:28:54Z
backup-sample-2   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace        full           2021-10-05T21:29:44Z   2021-10-05T21:29:51Z
backup-sample-3   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace        differential   2021-10-05T21:36:43Z   2021-10-05T21:36:49Z
backup-sample-4   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace        differential   2021-10-05T21:37:20Z   2021-10-05T21:37:26Z
backup-sample-5   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace        differential   2021-10-05T21:37:39Z   2021-10-05T21:37:45Z
backup-sample-6   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace        full           2021-10-05T21:43:35Z   2021-10-05T21:43:42Z
backup-sample-7   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace        full           2021-10-05T21:49:33Z   2021-10-05T21:49:41Z
backup-sample-8   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace        full           2021-10-05T22:07:43Z   2021-10-05T22:07:50Z

Deleting Old Backups

To delete a backup and its artifacts, you can either:

Use retention policies

The VMware Postgres Operator for Kubernetes supports backup retention policies via the PostgresBackupLocation CRD. For details see Configure the Backup Location.

IMPORTANT: All Postgres instances that utilize the associated PostgresBackupLocation will be restarted when you apply the change.

  • Use kubectl get to get output the contents of your backup location to a file:

    kubectl get postgresbackuplocation -o yaml > /tmp/my-backup-location.yaml
  • Use a text editor of your choice to update the retentionPolicy section to reflect your desired policy:

    vim /tmp/my-backup-location.yaml
          number: 3
          number: 3
          type: count
          bucket: postgresql-backups
          bucketPath: /my-bucket-path
          enableSSL: false
          endpoint: minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000
          forcePathStyle: true
          region: us-east-1
            name: my-backuplocation-secret

    The file above is configured to retain 3 full backups and 3 differential backups.

  • Use kubectl apply to configure the impacted instances that will start using new retention policy:

    kubectl apply -f /tmp/my-backup-location.yaml configured
  • Use kubectl get to monitor when the instances are back up and running:

    kubectl get postgres postgres-sample -n <namespace>
    postgres-sample   Running   14.3         my-backup-location     23m

    When the instances are up and running, and new backups are taken, the older backups will be deleted according to the configured retention policy. The corresponding Kubernetes PostgresBackup object will be automatically deleted within a few minutes of the backup being expired.

Expire Backups

To remove a specific backup from the storage location, set .spec.expire=true in the postgresbackup CRD:

kubectl patch postgresbackup backup-sample -p '{"spec":{"expire":true}}' --type merge

Setting the field to true creates a Kubernetes job that removes the backup from the backup location using pgbackrest expire. The backup will be removed from all Kubernetes namespaces that use the same storage location.

Restoring VMware Postgres Operator

The VMware Postgres Operator allows you to perform three types of data restore:

Customers on VMware Postgres Operator 1.7.x that wish to restore backups from prior versions, see Restoring Backups taken prior to VMware Postgres Operator 1.7.0.

Restore to a different instance


Ensure the newly created target instance exists in the same namespace as the Postgres instance you're restoring from.


  1. Create a new Postgres instance. For details see Deploying a Postgres Instance.

  2. Locate the restore.yaml deployment yaml in the ./samples directory of your downloaded release, and create a copy with a unique name. For example:

    cp ~/Downloads/postgres-for-kubernetes-v2.0.2/samples/restore.yaml testrestore.yaml
  3. Locate all the backups of the existing instance. To list all backups executed against a Postgres instance called postgres-sample use the following command:

    kubectl get postgresbackups -n my-namespace -l postgres-instance=postgres-sample

    where my-namespace specifies the namespace the instance was created in.

    backup-sample-4   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-24T19:40:17Z   2021-09-24T19:40:24Z
    backup-sample-5   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-25T16:54:55Z   2021-09-25T16:55:02Z
    backup-sample-6   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-24T19:48:41Z   2021-09-24T19:48:48Z
    backup-sample-7   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-27T23:04:06Z   2021-09-27T23:04:13Z
    backup-sample-8   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-27T23:19:51Z   2021-09-27T23:19:58Z
  4. Locate the backup you'll like to restore, and edit the testrestore.yaml accordingly. For information about the PostgresRestore resource properties, see Backup and Restore CRD API Reference.

    kind: PostgresRestore
      name: restore-sample
        name: backup-sample
        name: postgres-sample

    When restoring to a new instance, ensure that the sourceBackup was NOT performed on the target instance.

  5. Trigger the restore by creating the PostgresRestore resource in the same namespace as the PostgresBackup and PostgresBackupLocation by running:


    Where FILENAME is the name of the yaml configuration file you created for the restore.

    For example:

    kubectl apply -f testrestore.yaml -n my-namespace created
  6. Verify that a restore has been triggered and track the progress of your restore by running:

    kubectl get postgresrestore restore-sample -n my-namespace
    restore-sample   Succeeded   backup-sample   postgres-sample   2022-07-27T23:34:13Z   2022-07-27T23:34:26Z

    The table below explains the output:

    Column Name Meaning
    STATUS Represents the current status of the restore process.
    Allowed values are:
    • Running: The restore is in progress.
    • RecreatingNodes: The postgres nodes are being restarted as part of the restore workflow.
    • RecreatingPrimary: In case of HA target instance, the primary pod is being restarted
    • WaitForPrimary: Wait for the primary pod to be up and running
    • RecreatingSecondary: In case of HA target instance, the secondary pod is being restarted
    • Finalizing: The restore is nearly complete, waiting for the restart to be done and target instance to be up.
    • Succeeded: The restore has completed successfully.
    • Failed: The restore failed. To troubleshoot, see Troubleshoot Backup and Restore below.
    SOURCE The name of the backup used for the restore.
    TARGET INSTANCE The name of the new Postgres instance where the backup is restored to.
    TIME STARTED The time that the restore process started.
    TIME COMPLETED The time that the restore process finished.

Restore to a different namespace or cluster

This feature synchronizes the backupLocation and backups of a single instance across different namespaces, and allows users to restore a VMware Postgres Operator instance to a different namespace than the namespace it was backed up in. Using this feature, users can perform the restore even if the original instance has been accidentally deleted.
In this topic, the namespace where the backup was created is referred to as the "source" namespace. The namespace for the restore is referred to as the "target" namespace.

Important: This feature was introduced in VMware Postgres Operator 1.7.0. Customers on previous releases, with existing backups, cannot utilize this feature without upgrading. Customers on VMware Postgres Operator 1.6.0 and earlier, are advised to upgrade their instances to 1.7.0, and perform a full backup after the upgrade. This full backup and any future backups will be able to be used for restores to a different namespace.

This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting the `backupSync.enabled` field introduced in VMware Postgres Operator 2.1.0 to `false`.


Ensure that:

  • You have the name of a VMware Postgres Operator instance (on version 1.7.0 and above), that exists or existed in the source namespace.
  • You know the backup location details of the given instance in the source namespace.
  • You have an existing PostgresBackup object in the source namespace. To list any existing PostgresBackup resources, see Listing Backup Resources.
  • You have a PostgresBackupLocation that represents the bucket where the existing backup artifact is stored.


  1. On the source namespace, identify the backupLocation name of the backup you wish to restore:

    kubectl get postgresbackup backup-sample -n <namespace-source> -o jsonpath='{.status.backupLocation}'

    where backup-sample is the name of the backup resource created for the source instance backup. The output is similar to:

  2. On the target namespace, create a backuplocation.yaml, using as content the output you receive from:

    kubectl get postgresbackuplocation <name of backup location> -n <namespace-source> -o yaml

    Edit the namespace field to match the target namespace before applying the CRD. Ensure that the backupSync.enabled field is either absent from the location spec or set to true.

    At this point any backups taken by the VMware Postgres Operator 1.7.0 (or later), for this specific postgresbackuplocation resource, will start to synchronize.

  3. Create the secret that is attached to that postgresbackupLocation CRD. To retrieve the secret name, issue a command similar to:

    kubectl get postgresbackuplocation <name-of-backup-location> -n <namespace-origin> -o jsonpath='{*}'

    which returns an output similar to:


    Create the secret on the target namespace, using the content you receive from the output of the following command:

    kubectl get secret <name-of-secret-retrieved-above> -n <namespace-source> -o yaml

    Edit the namespace field to match the target namespace before applying the CRD.

  4. List the synchronized backups by using the following command:

    kubectl get postgresbackup -n <namespace-target> -l 

    The output would be similar to:

    NAMESPACE               NAME                             STATUS      SOURCE INSTANCE   SOURCE NAMESPACE  TYPE   TIME STARTED           TIME COMPLETED
    target-namespace        sync-20220414-143642f-2aff7501   Succeeded   my-postgres       my-namespace      full   2022-04-14T14:36:42Z   2022-04-14T14:37:01Z
  5. Select which backup you wish to restore.

  6. On the target namespace, create a postgres instance that you’ll like to restore the backup to:

    kubectl apply -f postgres.yaml
  7. Wait until the instance is up and running:

    kubectl wait postgres postgres-sample -n <namespace-target> --for=jsonpath={.status.currentState}=Running
  8. Edit the target namespace instance restore yaml, and edit it to reflect the backup you’ll like to restore, and the instance you’ll like to restore that backup, Create the PostgresRestore yaml. A sample restore yaml is shown below:

    kind: PostgresRestore
       name: <provide-name-for-restore>
        name: <provide-the-backup-name>
        name: <provide-the-instance-name>
  9. Perform the restore by using:

    kubectl apply -f restore.yaml
  10. Validate that the restore succeeded by using the following command:

    kubectl get -n <namespace-target>

    which will show an output similar to:

    NAME                  STATUS      SOURCE                           TARGET INSTANCE   TIME STARTED           TIME COMPLETED
    restore-sample        Succeeded   sync-20220415-201444f-2aff7501   my-postgres       2022-04-15T20:44:50Z   2022-04-15T20:45:31Z

    Where the SOURCE uniquely identifies the synchronized backup object by using the date (for example 20220415 ), time (for example 201444 represents 20:14:44), type of backup (f - full, d - differential, i - incremental), and part of the instance UUID number.

  11. Validate that the VMware Postgres Operator instance in your target namespace is running, using:

    kubectl get -n <namespace-target>

Restore in-place

WARNING: Use only in development or test environments. An in-place restore is potentially destructive and irreversible.

In this scenario, you can use a previous backup to override data in an existing instance.


Before you restore from a backup, you must have:

  • An existing PostgresBackup in your current namespace. To list the existing PostgresBackup resources, see Listing Backup Resources. You can restore from any kind of backup (full, differential, incremental) provided it follows the pgbackrest guidelines.
  • A PostgresBackupLocation that represents the bucket where the existing backup artifact is stored. See Configure the Backup Location above.


To restore from a full backup:

  1. Locate the restore.yaml deployment yaml in the ./samples directory of your downloaded release, and create a copy with a unique name. For example:

    cp ~/Downloads/postgres-for-kubernetes-v2.0.2/samples/restore.yaml testrestore.yaml
  2. Locate all backups of your existing instance. For example, for all the backups executed against a Postgres instance called 'postgres-sample' use:

    kubectl get postgresbackups -n NAMESPACE -l postgres-instance=postgres-sample
    backup-sample-4   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-24T19:40:17Z   2021-09-24T19:40:24Z
    backup-sample-5   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-25T16:54:55Z   2021-09-25T16:55:02Z
    backup-sample-6   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-24T19:48:41Z   2021-09-24T19:48:48Z
    backup-sample-7   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-27T23:04:06Z   2021-09-27T23:04:13Z
    backup-sample-8   Succeeded   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-09-27T23:19:51Z   2021-09-27T23:19:58Z
  3. Locate the backup you'll like to restore, and edit the 'restore.yaml' with your information. For information about the PostgresRestore resource properties, see Backup and Restore CRD API Reference.

      kind: PostgresRestore
        name: restore-sample
          name: backup-sample
          name: postgres-sample
  4. For in-place restore, ensure that the sourceBackup was performed on the targetInstance. Refer to step 2 for validation.

  5. Trigger the restore by creating the PostgresRestore resource in the same namespace as the PostgresBackup and PostgresBackupLocation. Run:


    where FILENAME is the name of the configuration file you created in Step 2 above.

    For example:

    kubectl apply -f testrestore.yaml -n my-namespace created
  6. Verify that a restore has been triggered and track the progress of your restore by running:

    kubectl get postgresrestore restore-sample -n DEVELOPMENT-NAMESPACE

    For example:

    kubectl get postgresrestore restore-sample -n my-namespace
    restore-sample   Succeeded   backup-sample     postgres-sample   2021-09-27T23:34:13Z   2021-09-27T23:34:26Z

    To understand the output, see the table below:

    Column Name Meaning
    STATUS Represents the current status of the restore process.
    Allowed values are:
    • Running: The restore is in progress.
    • RecreatingNodes: The postgres nodes are being restarted as part of the restore workflow.
    • RecreatingPrimary: In case of HA target instance, the primary pod is being restarted
    • WaitForPrimary: Wait for the primary pod to be up and running
    • RecreatingSecondary: In case of HA target instance, the secondary pod is being restarted
    • Finalizing: The restore is nearly complete, waiting for the restart to be done and target instance to be up.
    • Succeeded: The restore has completed successfully.
    • Failed: The restore failed. To troubleshoot, see Troubleshooting Backup and Restore.
    SOURCE The name of the backup being restored.
    TARGET INSTANCE The name of the source postgres instance to be restored with the backup contents.
    TIME STARTED The time that the restore process started.
    TIME COMPLETED The time that the restore process finished.

Perform a Point in Time recovery

VMware Postgres Operator supports point-in-time recovery (PITR); in-place, or to a new instance. The VMware Postgres Operator PITR uses the Postgres write-ahead-log (WAL) files and a continuous WAL archive. For more details on the Postgres PITR, see Timelines in the Open Source Postgres documentation.

Recovery time criteria

The most important aspect of a point-in-time recovery is finding a valid time to restore to, that can avoid getting the cluster into an invalid state. The restore time should meet the following criteria:

  1. The source PostgreSQL instance must have a backup that completed before the restore time.

  2. There must have been transactions on the PostgreSQL instance after the selected time.

  3. A WAL rotation must have been performed after the selected recovery time. To verify the WAL rotation, examine the logs for all the successful archive operations using the following command:

    kubectl logs --tail=-1 -l postgres-instance=my-postgres-source,type=data -c instance-logging | grep "archive-push command end: completed successfully"
    2021-09-27 17:08:00.411 P00   INFO: archive-push command end: completed successfully (2081ms)


  1. Select a time that you will like to restore the PostgreSQL instance to, for example September 26 2021 at 2:30pm EST.

  2. Convert the restore time to UTC and in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ ("2021-09-26T18:30:00Z").

  3. [Optional] Set spec.pitr.bestEffort to true if you have selected a potentially inaccurate time. This instructs the Operator to restore up to the latest WAL record, in-case Postgres is unable to reach the configured timestamp.

  4. Get the stanzaName of the source PostgreSQL instance.

  5. If the PostgreSQL instance that performed the backups has not been deleted, use the following command:

    kubectl get postgres my-postgres-source -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath={.status.stanzaName}

    Else, use the following command to list the backup that belongs to deleted PostgreSQL instance:

    kubectl get postgresbackups -n <NAMESPACE> -l postgres-instance=my-postgres-source -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.stanzaName}'
  6. Get the backup location name being used by the source instance:

  7. If the PostgresQL instance that performed the backups has not been deleted, use the following command:

    kubectl get postgres my-postgres-source -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath={}

    Else, use the following command to list the backup that belongs to deleted PostgreSQL instance:

    kubectl get postgresbackups -n <NAMESPACE> -l postgres-instance=my-postgres-source -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.backupLocation}'
  8. Using the correctly-formatted recovery time, stanza name, and backup location name, and then create a PostgresRestore CR, and save it in the pitr-restore.yaml as follows:

    kind: PostgresRestore
      name: pitr-restore
        name: postgres-sample
        type: time
        timestamp: "2021-09-26T18:30:00Z"
          name: backuplocation-sample
          stanzaName: stanza-name-of-the-source-instance
  9. Apply the backup CR:

    kubectl apply -f pitr-restore.yaml

    which starts the restore process.

  10. Validate that the restore succeeded by using the following command:

    kubectl get postgresrestore <name-of-restore> -o jsonpath={.status.phase}

    which should return a value for status.phase:


    or check the STATUS column in the following command:

    kubectl get postgresrestore <name-of-restore>

    with an output similar to:

    NAME                   STATUS            SOURCE                  TARGET INSTANCE   TIME STARTED          TIME COMPLETED
    pitr-restore           Succeeded         backuplocation-sample   postgres-sample   2023-05-12T14:31:35Z  2023-05-12T14:33:26Z

Clone an Instance

VMware Postgres Operator (from 2.2.0 and later) supports cloning an existing database instance to a new database instance. The clone functionality relies on backups of databases, and continuous WAL archiving.


The cloning requires the following:

  1. An existing instance to clone to (the target instance). The existing data in the target instance will be wiped out. Therefore, it is recommended to create a fresh new instance as the target of the clone.
  2. A recent backup of the instance that will be cloned (the source instance). The cloning process does not require the source instance as long as the backup data is present in the stanza.


The procedure assumes you are cloning an existing instance.

  1. Make sure you have created at least one backup of the source instance.

  2. Get the stanza of the source instance:

    kubectl get postgres pg-source -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath={.status.stanzaName}
  3. Get the backup location of the source instance

    kubectl get postgres pg-source -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath={}
  4. Create a new instance to serve as the target of the clone.

  5. Create a new PostgresRestore Custom Resource (CR) and save it in a file called clone-restore.yaml:

    kind: PostgresRestore
      name: clone-restore
        type: latest
          name: backuplocation-sample
          stanzaName: <the-stanza-of-the-source>
        name: <name-of-target>

    Note: The type of the pitr field is set to latest to indicate cloning. Set the field to the name of the instance created in the previous step and set the to the name of the backup location that contains the stanza.

  6. Apply the CR:

    kubectl apply -f clone-restore.yaml

    which starts the clone process.

  7. Validate that the clone has succeeded by using the following command:

    kubectl get postgresrestore clone-restore -o jsonpath={.status.phase}

    which should return a value for status.phase:


    or check the STATUS column in the following command:

    kubectl get postgresrestore clone-restore

    with an output similar to:

    NAME             STATUS      SOURCE                  TARGET INSTANCE   TIME STARTED           TIME COMPLETED
    clone-restore    Succeeded   backuplocation-sample   pg-target         2023-06-08T10:43:33Z   2023-06-08T10:44:15Z

Perform a Point in Time Recovery Using Log Sequence Number

VMware Postgres Operator supports point-in-time recovery (PITR) by specifying Log Sequence Number (LSN) of the write-ahead log location for the recovery process.

LSN criteria

To perform PITR by specifying LSN, you must specify a proper LSN value of the write-ahead log file that will avoid getting the cluster into an invalid state. The restore process should meet the following criteria:

  1. The source PostgreSQL instance must have a backup that completed before the selected LSN value.

  2. Additional WAL entries must be available after the selected LSN value. To verify that, examine the logs for all the successful archive operations using the following command:

    kubectl logs --tail=-1 -l postgres-instance=my-postgres-source,type=data -c instance-logging | grep "archive-push command end: completed successfully"
    2021-09-27 17:08:00.411 P00   INFO: archive-push command end: completed successfully (2081ms)


  1. Obtain a backup location name for PostgresRestore CR.

    kubectl get postgres <source-instance> -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath={}
  2. Get the stanza of the source instance for PostgresRestore CR:

    kubectl get postgres <source-instance> -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath={.status.stanzaName}
  3. Choose the target LSN for the PITR process.

  4. Create a new instance to serve as a target instance for the restore process.

  5. Create a new PostgresRestore CR with your configuration and save it in a file called lsn-based-restore.yaml:

    kind: PostgresRestore
      name: lsn-based-restore
      namespace: <your-namespace>
        type: lsn
        target: <the-value-of-the-lsn>
          name: <postgres-backup-location>
          stanzaName: <the-stanza-of-the-source>
        name: <name-of-target>
  6. Apply the CR:

    kubectl apply -f lsn-based-restore.yaml
  7. Validate that the restore process succeeded by using the following command:

    kubectl get postgresrestore lsn-based-restore -o jsonpath={.status.phase}

    that returns a value for status.phase:


    or check the STATUS column with the following command:

    kubectl get postgresrestore lsn-based-restore

    with an output similar to:

    lsn-based-restore    Succeeded   pg-source   pg-target         2023-06-08T10:43:33Z   2023-06-08T10:44:15Z

Perform a Point in Time Recovery Using Transaction ID

VMware Postgres Operator (from 2.2.0 and later) supports PITR. It uses the Postgres write-ahead-log (WAL) files and a continuous WAL archive.

Transaction id criteria

The most important aspect of a point-in-time recovery with transaction ID is to specify a proper value, that will avoid getting the cluster into an invalid state. The restore process must meet the following criteria:

  1. The source PostgreSQL instance must have a backup that completes before the chosen transaction ID value.

  2. If the selected transaction ID is prior to the latest full backup, specify a full back up restore label, which happened before the chosen transaction ID, in the set field. Otherwise, the restore process starts from the latest available backup.

  3. Additional transaction entries must be available after the selected value. To verify that, examine the logs for all the successful archive operations using the following command:

    kubectl logs --tail=-1 -l postgres-instance=my-postgres-source,type=data -c instance-logging | grep "archive-push command end: completed successfully"
    2021-09-27 17:08:00.411 P00   INFO: archive-push command end: completed successfully (2081ms)


  1. Obtain a backup location name for the PostgresRestore CR.

    kubectl get postgres <source-instance> -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath={}
  2. Get the stanza of the source instance for the PostgresRestore CR:

    kubectl get postgres <source-instance> -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath={.status.stanzaName}
  3. Choose the target transaction ID for the PITR process.

  4. In case the chosen transaction ID appears before the latest full backup, the set field must be populated with a full backup restore label that happened before the transaction.

    kubectl get postgresbackup <backup-name> -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath={.status.restoreLabel}
  5. Create a new instance to serve as a target instance for the restore process.

  6. Create a new PostgresRestore CR and save it in a file called transaction-based-restore.yaml:

    kind: PostgresRestore
      name: transaction-based-restore
      namespace: <your-namespace>
        type: transaction
        target: <the-value-of-the-transaction-id>
          name: <postgres-backuplocation>
          stanzaName: <the-stanza-of-the-source>
          # set: <backup-restore-label>
        name: <name-of-target>
  7. Apply the CR:

    kubectl apply -f transaction-based-restore.yaml
  8. Validate that the clone has succeeded using the following command:

    kubectl get postgresrestore transaction-based-restore -o jsonpath={.status.phase}

    that returns a value for status.phase:


    or check the STATUS column with the following command:

    kubectl get postgresrestore transaction-based-restore

    with an output similar to:

    NAME                         STATUS      SOURCE      TARGET INSTANCE   TIME STARTED           TIME COMPLETED
    transaction-based-restore    Succeeded   pg-source   pg-target         2023-06-08T10:43:33Z   2023-06-08T10:44:15Z

Restore Backups taken prior to VMware Postgres Operator 1.7.0

  1. Select the backups you need to restore:

    kubectl get postgresbackup -n <namespace>
    backup-sample   Succeeded   postgres-sample                         full   2022-04-15T15:06:35Z   2022-04-15T15:07:10Z
  2. Use kubectl edit-status to edit the status attribute of the selected PostgresBackup object to contain the following information:

    kubectl edit-status postgresbackup backup-sample -n <namespace>
    Attribute Command to get the value
    • Find backupLocation attached to the instance
      kubectl get postgres postgres-sample -o jsonpath={}
    • Get the cipher that'll be used for restore
      kubectl get secrets postgres-sample-pgbackrest-secret -o jsonpath={.data.cipher} | base64 -d
    • Follow the steps here to create a client-side encrypted backupLocation and provide the value retrieved above as the cipher value
    dbName kubectl get postgres postgres-sample -o jsonpath={.spec.pgConfig.dbname}
    stanzaName kubectl exec -t pod/my-postgres-0 -c pg-container -- bash -c 'echo $OLD_BACKUP_STANZA_NAME'
  3. Confirm that the status fields are correctly populated:

    kubectl describe postgresbackup postgres-sample -n <namespace>
      Backup Location:  encrypted-backup-location
      Db Name:          postgres-sample
      Phase:            Succeeded
      Restore Label:    20220415-150641F
      Stanza Name:      default-my-postgres
      Time Completed:   2022-04-15T15:07:10Z
      Time Started:     2022-04-15T15:06:35Z
  4. Once you have updated the backup you need to restore, and then edit the restore.yaml field to reflect the said backup and the instance you need to restore to:

      kind: PostgresRestore
        name: restore-sample
          name: backup-sample
          name: postgres-sample
  5. Execute the kubectl apply command, specifying the manifest file you edited. For example:

    kubectl apply -f ./restore.yaml --wait=false

Validating a Successful Restore

  1. Validate that the restore has succeeded by checking the status of the PostgresRestore CR:

    kubectl get -n <namespace>

    that shows an output similar to:

    NAME                  STATUS      SOURCE             TARGET INSTANCE       TIME STARTED           TIME COMPLETED
    restore-sample        Succeeded   backup-sample      postgres-sample       2022-04-15T20:44:50Z   2022-04-15T20:45:31Z
  2. Validate that the target Postgres instance is in the running state using the command:

    kubectl get

    that shows an output similar to:

    NAME             STATUS    BACKUP LOCATION         AGE
    postgres-sample  Running   backuplocation-sample   43h
  3. You can also validate that the restore was successful by accessing the target instance, and checking if you can see the desired data.

Troubleshooting Backup and Restore

To troubleshoot any issues, review the resource status, and read any messages associated with the resource events. Monitor the STATUS column of any Postgres custom resource using kubectl get postgresbackup, to confirm if status is Failed, or is stuck in Pending, Scheduled, or Running. Then try to investigate:

  • Misconfiguration issues
  • Problems with the external blobstore
  • Issues with the Postgres Operator

Backup Schedule Status

Check the status.message field in PostgresBackupSchedule CR to understand any issues with PostgresBackupSchedule spec, backups scheduling, invalid cron schedule syntax, or errors like the not configured in the sourceInstance.

For example:

kubectl get postgresbackupschedule backupschedule-sample -o jsonpath={.status.message}

could return an output similar to:

Instance my-postgres-1 does not exist in the default namespace

if the user inserted the wrong Postgres instance name, my-postgres-1 instead of postgres-sample, in PostgresBackupSchedule's

If the backup was successfully scheduled but the backup itself failed, then check the remaining troubleshooting information.

FAILED status for PostgresBackup Resource

Check the STATUS column in the output of kubectl get postgresbackup command to view if a backup has failed:

kubectl get postgresbackup
backup-sample   Failed   postgres-sample   my-namespace      full   2021-08-31T14:29:14Z   2021-08-31T14:29:14Z

Diagnose the issue by inspecting the Kubernetes events for the postgresbackup resource, using kubectl describe, and check the Events section.

Note: By default, Kubernetes events are stored in etcd for a limited amount of time, so there may not be any events if the failure occurred several hours ago.

Below are a couple of failure events and their corresponding resolution:

Failed due to missing pgbackrest.conf file


kubectl describe postgresbackup backup-sample
  Source Instance:
    Name:  postgres-sample
  Type:    full
  Phase:           Failed
  Time Completed:  2022-02-25T19:37:07Z
  Time Started:    2022-02-25T19:37:07Z
  Type     Reason  Age                From                        Message
  ----     ------  ----               ----                        -------
  Warning  Failed  22s (x2 over 27s)  postgres-backup-controller  WARN: environment contains invalid option 'config-version'ERROR: [055]: unable to open missing file '/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf' for read


In the example above, the backup-sample expected a file called /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf to exist. Fix this problem by creating and attaching a PostgresBackupLocation CR to the Postgres instance.

FAILED due to S3 server certificate validation error


kubectl describe postgresbackup backup-sample
  Source Instance:
    Name:  postgres-sample
  Type:    full
  Phase:           Failed
  Time Completed:  2022-02-25T19:37:07Z
  Time Started:    2022-02-25T19:37:07Z
  Type     Reason  Age   From                        Message
  ----     ------  ----  ----                        -------
  Warning  Failed  20s   postgres-backup-controller  WARN: environment contains invalid option 'config-version'ERROR: [095]: unable to load info file '/my-bucket-path/archive/default-postgres-sample/' or '/my-bucket-path/archive/default-postgres-sample/':       CryptoError: unable to verify certificate presented by 'minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000': [20] unable to get local issuer certificate       HINT: is or was the repo encrypted?       CryptoError: unable to verify certificate presented by 'minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000': [20] unable to get local issuer certificate       HINT: is or was the repo encrypted?       HINT: cannot be opened but is required to push/get WAL segments.       HINT: is archive_command configured correctly in postgresql.conf?       HINT: has a stanza-create been performed?       HINT: use --no-archive-check to disable archive checks during backup if you have an alternate archiving scheme.


In this example, the PostgresBackupLocation associated with the source instance was configured with enableSSL: true but the S3 server TLS is not properly configured (for e.g. it might be using a self-signed certificate). To resolve this issue, set the S3 server TLS appropriately. If this is a testing/demo scenario, you can set enableSSL to false in the PostgresBackupLocation, wait for the instance to restart, and then create a PostgresBackup again.

FAILED status for PostgresRestore

In this example, the kubectl get command provides an output of a Failed status:

kubectl get postgresrestore
restore-test     Failed      sample-source-backup   postgres-sample   2021-09-29T19:00:26Z   2021-09-29T19:00:26Z

Diagnose the issue by inspecting the status message on the resource. For example:

kubectl describe postgresrestore restore-test
  Source Backup:
    Name:  sample-source-backup
  Target Instance:
    Name:  my-postgres
  Message:         Backup sample-source-backup does not exist in namespace default
  Phase:           Failed
  Time Completed:  2022-02-25T19:27:27Z
  Time Started:    2022-02-25T19:27:27Z
  Type     Reason                        Age    From                         Message
  ----     ------                        ----   ----                         -------
  Warning  ReferencedBackupDoesNotExist  2m56s  postgres-restore-controller "sample-source-backup" not found

In the example above, the restore failed because the backup specified in the sourceInstance field does not exist.

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