This document contains pertinent release information about VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes. Obtain the most recent version of the distribution from Broadcom Support.


VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes (Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes for short) was previously called VMware Tanzu SQL with Postgres for Kubernetes.

Release 3.0

Release Date: August 6, 2024

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
3.0 PostgreSQL 15.7, 14.12, 13.15, 12.19, and 11.22
pgBackRest 2.51
pg_auto_failover 2.1.0
postGIS 3.4.0
Orafce 4.10
pgAudit 1.7.0 (for 15),
1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)
pgvector 0.7.0 for (PostgreSQL version 15, 14, 13, and 11)

The VMware Postgres Operator images are based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Supported Platforms

VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is intended to be used with any Kubernetes compliant platform of version 1.23 or later.

Specifically, this version of VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is tested on the following platforms:

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition ( TKGI)


    Due to an incompatibility with the containerd provided, TKGI 1.13.0 and 1.13.1 clusters must be configured with the docker container runtime instead of the default containerd runtime. Existing clusters upgraded to TKGI 1.13 can continue to use the docker runtime. TKGI 1.13.2 is patched with version 1.5.9 of the containerd runtime to avoid the incompatibility issue.

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

  • Red Hat Openshift - version 4.10+

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.


VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services Packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator by using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
3.0.0 1.14.0
2.3.0, 2.2.1, 2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.13.0
2.2.1, 2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.12.0
2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.10.0
2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.9.0
2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.8.0
2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.1
2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.0
2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.6.0
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0

For more information, see Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


  • Upgraded PostgreSQL to 12.19.0, 13.15.0, 14.12.0, and 15.7.0.
  • Added support for streaming replicas for disaster recovery site.
  • Added the ability to activate or deactivate FIPS.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the issue of child certificates expiring when the root certificate is refreshed.

Upgrading to 3.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 3.0, review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page and the Important upgrade notes topic.

Release 2.3.0

Release Date: January 22, 2024

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
2.3.0 PostgreSQL 15.5, 14.10, 13.13, 12.17, and 11.22
pgBackRest 2.48
pg_auto_failover 2.0.0
postGIS 3.3.2
Orafce 4.4
pgAudit 1.7.0 (for 15),
1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)
pgvector 0.4.4 for (PostgreSQL version 15, 14, 13, and 11)

The VMware Postgres Operator images are based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Supported Platforms

VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is intended to be used with any Kubernetes compliant platform of version 1.23 or later.

Specifically, this version of VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is tested on the following platforms:

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition ( TKGI)

    Note: Due to an incompatibilty with the containerd provided, TKGI 1.13.0 and 1.13.1 clusters must be configured with the docker container runtime instead of the default containerd runtime. Existing clusters upgraded to TKGI 1.13 can continue to use the docker runtime. TKGI 1.13.2 is patched with version 1.5.9 of the containerd runtime to avoid the incompatibility issue.

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

  • Red Hat Openshift - version 4.10+

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.


VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
2.3.0, 2.2.1, 2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.13.0
2.2.1, 2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.12.0
2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.10.0
2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.9.0
2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.8.0
2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.1
2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.0
2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.6.0
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0

For more information, refer to Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


  • Add support for pgvector extension in PostgreSQL 15, 14, 13, and 11.
  • Added the ability to enable or disable checksum functionality when creating a new Postgres instance (default behavior is disabled).
  • Support for LDAP server authentication.
  • Users now have the ability to configure a Certificate Chain (CA) Bundle for Azure backup locations whose endpoint is using a custom Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate. See
  • Support for PodDisruptionBudget(PDB) functionality in Postgres CR.


  • This release updates the VMware Tanzu Data Services package to version 1.13.0: For more information, see Installing the Tanzu Operator using the Tanzu CLI.
  • Automatically perform an initial backup when new backuplocation is configured.
  • Add retry capabilities for failed backups (up to five times).
  • Automate the creation of Postgres target instance when using the PostgresRestore CR.
  • We have optimized the performance of backup repository verification functionality and included the ability to disable it if necessary.
  • This release addresses CVE-2023-39325.
  • Concurrent full backups against the same Postgres instance will be queued.

Fixed Issues

  • The Shutdown process now waits until Postgres instance is fully stooped.
  • Correctly handle the rotation of " -monitor-secret" secret.
  • Properly update the CustomConfigStatus when an invalid database parameterization is used.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Postgres 11, 12, and 13 are not Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compliant because Postgres provides a built-in md5 function and supports md5 password encryption instead of delegating to the underlying openssl library.
  • Initiating an incremental or differential backup process when a backup process is already running, will lead to skipping the initiation process.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • To ensure correct connection type handling for client applications, the client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write.
  • In rare cases, reducing the values of the following parameters: max_connections, max_worker_processes, max_wal_senders, max_prepared_xacts, max_locks_per_xact in High Availability (HA) cluster environment could result in the inability of the replicas to start up. Our recommendation is not to reduce these configuration values in an HA environment. When such a change needs to be performed, initiate a manual scale down to a single instance environment before changing the value and then scale up to the original HA configuration.

Upgrading to 2.3.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 2.3.0, review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page, and the Important upgrade notes topic

Release 2.2.1

Release Date: October 18, 2023

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
2.2.1 PostgreSQL 15.4, 14.9, 13.12, 12.16, and 11.21
pgBackRest 2.47
pg_auto_failover 2.0.0
postGIS 3.3.2
Orafce 4.4
pgAudit 1.7.0 (for 15),
1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)

The VMware Postgres Operator images are based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Supported Platforms

VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is intended to be used with any Kubernetes compliant platform of version 1.21 or later.

Specifically, this version of VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is tested on the following platforms:

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition ( TKGI)

    Note: Due to an incompatibilty with the containerd provided, TKGI 1.13.0 and 1.13.1 clusters must be configured with the docker container runtime instead of the default containerd runtime. Existing clusters upgraded to TKGI 1.13 can continue to use the docker runtime. TKGI 1.13.2 is patched with version 1.5.9 of the containerd runtime to avoid the incompatibility issue.

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

  • Red Hat Openshift - version 4.10+

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.


VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
2.2.1, 2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.12.0
2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.10.0
2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.9.0
2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.8.0
2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.1
2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.0
2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.6.0
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0

For more information, refer to Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


Known Issues and Limitations

  • Postgres 11, 12, and 13 are not Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compliant because Postgres provides a built-in md5 function and supports md5 password encryption instead of delegating to the underlying openssl library.
  • Running backups concurrently against the same Postgres instance is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another backup fails.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • To ensure correct connection type handling for client applications, the client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write.

Upgrading to 2.2.1

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 2.2.1, review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page, and the Important upgrade notes topic

Release 2.2.0

Release Date: August 23, 2023

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
2.2.0 PostgreSQL 15.4, 14.9, 13.12, 12.16, and 11.21
pgBackRest 2.47
pg_auto_failover 2.0.0
postGIS 3.3.2
Orafce 4.4
pgAudit 1.7.0 (for 15),
1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)

The VMware Postgres Operator images are based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Supported Platforms

VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is intended to be used with any Kubernetes compliant platform of version 1.21 or later.

Specifically, this version of VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is tested on the following platforms:

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition ( TKGI)

    Note: Due to an incompatibilty with the containerd provided, TKGI 1.13.0 and 1.13.1 clusters must be configured with the docker container runtime instead of the default containerd runtime. Existing clusters upgraded to TKGI 1.13 can continue to use the docker runtime. TKGI 1.13.2 is patched with version 1.5.9 of the containerd runtime to avoid the incompatibility issue.

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

  • Red Hat Openshift - version 4.10+

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.


VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.10.0
2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.9.0
2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.8.0
2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.1
2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.0
2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.6.0
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0

For more information, refer to Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


  • This release upgrades Postgres 15 to 15.5, 14 to 14.9, 13 to 13.12, 12 to 12.16, and 11 to 11.21.
  • Users can now restore using (Log Squence Number) LSN or Transaction ID.
  • Users now have the ability to configure a Certificate Chain (CA) Bundle for S3 backup locations whose endpoint is using a custom Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate. See


  • Postgres wal_keep_size (or wal_keep_segments in Postgres 11, and 12) is now enhanced to 96MB and 6 respectively.
  • PostgresResource field spec.pointInTime field is now deprecated in favor of spec.pitr.type set to time.
  • Postgres instances can now be configured with Burstable qos (Quality of Service) class.
  • The status spec.customConfig changes can be tracked status conditions on the Postgres resource.
  • This release updates the VMware Tanzu Data Services package to version 1.10.0: For more information see Installing the Tanzu Operator using the Tanzu CLI.

Fixed Issues

  • New Postgres instances displayed a status of Running before the necessary database and users are created. This issue is fixed.
  • A Postgres instance was unable to scale down because of an unhealthy replica. This issue is fixed.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Postgres 11, 12, and 13 are not Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compliant because Postgres provides a built-in md5 function and supports md5 password encryption instead of delegating to the underlying openssl library.
  • Running backups concurrently against the same Postgres instance is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another backup fails.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • To ensure correct connection type handling for client applications, the client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write.

Upgrading to 2.2.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 2.2.0 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page, and the Important upgrade notes topic.

Release 2.1.0

Release Date: May 23, 2023

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
2.1.0 PostgreSQL 15.3,
pgBackRest 2.45
pg_auto_failover 2.0
postGIS 3.3.2
Orafce 4.2
pgAudit 1.7.0 (for 15),
1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)

The VMware Postgres Operator images are based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Supported Platforms

VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is intended to be used with any Kubernetes compliant platform that is version 1.21 or newer.

Specifically, this version of VMware Tanzu for Postgres on Kubernetes is tested on the following platforms:

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition ( TKGI)

    TKGI 1.13.0 and 1.13.1 clusters must be configured with the docker container runtime instead of the default containerd runtime due to an incompatibilty with the containerd provided. Existing clusters upgraded to TKGI 1.13 will continue to use the docker runtime. TKGI 1.13.2 is patched with version 1.5.9 of the containerd runtime to avoid the incompatibility issue.

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)
  • Red Hat Openshift - version 4.10+

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.


VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
2.1.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.8.0
2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.1
2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.0
2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.6.0
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0

For more information refer to Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


  • This release upgrades Postgres 15 to 15.3, 14 to 14.8, 13 to 13.11, 12 to 12.15, and 11 to 11.20.
  • Users can now modify the pg_hba.conf file. This release adds a new field spec.customConfig.pghba. For more details, see Configuring the pghba file.
  • Postgres deployments now include a service that can be used to connect directly to read-only servers.


  • Deprecated spec.cpu and spec.memory fields have been removed from the Postgres CRD.
  • Disaster recovery (DR) instances can now serve read queries using the credentials from the primary site.
  • Postgres shared_buffers, work_mem, maintenance_work_mem, and effective_cache_size configurations are now automatically tuned based on the configured memory.
  • Python 2.7 has been removed from the Postgres instance image.
  • Backups will no longer include the log directory.
  • This release updates the VMware Tanzu Data Services package to version 1.8.0: For more information see Installing the Tanzu Operator using the Tanzu CLI.

Fixed Issues

  • Scale down now handles failure to delete a pvc.
  • Detecting Postgresql server misconfiguration no longer takes input from previous runs.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Postgres 11, 12, and 13 are not FIPS compliant because Postgres provides a built-in md5 function and supports md5 password encryption instead of delegating to the underlying openssl library.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.

Upgrading to 2.1.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 2.1.0 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page, and the Important upgrade notes topic.

Release 2.0.2

Release Date: April 5, 2023

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
2.0.2 PostgreSQL 15.2, 14.7, 13.10, 12.14, and 11.19
pgBackRest 2.44
pg_auto_failover 2.0.0
postGIS 3.3.2
Orafce 4.1
pgAudit 1.7.0 (for 15),
1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)

The VMware Postgres Operator images are based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.1
2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.0
2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.6.0
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0

For more information refer to Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


Fixed Issues

  • Backups taken with a PostgresBackupLocation that uses a public CA certificate and enableSSL set to true failed from version 2.0.0. This issue has been fixed in this version.
  • The default user set in the postgres-operator docker image was root. This issue has been fixed and the user has been updated to nonroot.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Postgres 11, 12, and 13 are not FIPS compliant because Postgres provides a built-in md5 function and supports md5 password encryption instead of delegating to the underlying openssl library.
  • The Disaster Recovery workflow in VMware Postgres Operator supports only a non-running target Disaster Recovery instance. The target instance doesn't serve any read requests.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.

Upgrading to 2.0.2

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 2.0.2 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page, and the Important upgrade notes topic.

Release 2.0.1

Release Date: March 9th, 2023

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
2.0.1 PostgreSQL 15.2, 14.7, 13.10, 12.14, and 11.19
pgBackRest 2.44
pg_auto_failover 2.0.0
postGIS 3.3.2
Orafce 4.1
pgAudit 1.7.0 (for 15),
1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)

The VMware Postgres Operator images are based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.7.0
2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.6.0
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0

For more information refer to Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


  • This release upgrades Postgres 15 to 15.2, 14 to 14.7, 13 to 13.10, 12 to 12.14, and 11 to 11.19.
  • This release also updates pgBackRest to 2.44, Orafce to 4.1, and postGIS to 3.3.2.


Fixed Issues

  • The point-in-time restore (PITR) solution restores along the timeline the backup was taken, so if a user performs a PITR with the chosen time being right after a failover occurs, postgres is unable to follow the timeline change. This issue has been fixed and PITR can be performed after a timeline switch.
  • Kubectl logs doesn't display the Postgres server logs when the log_filename parameter is changed. This issue has been fixed in this release.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Postgres 11, 12, and 13 are not FIPS compliant because Postgres provides a built-in md5 function and supports md5 password encryption instead of delegating to the underlying openssl library.
  • The Disaster Recovery workflow in VMware Postgres Operator supports only a non-running target Disaster Recovery instance. The target instance doesn't serve any read requests.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.

Upgrading to 2.0.1

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 2.0.1 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page, and the Important upgrade notes topic.

Release 2.0.0

Release Date: December 20th , 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
2.0.0 PostgreSQL 15.1, 14.6, 13.9, 12.13, and 11.18
pgBackRest 2.41
pg_auto_failover 2.0
postGIS 3.3.1 (for 15),
3.2.3 (for 11, 12, 13, and 14)
Orafce 3.25
pgAudit 1.7 (for 15),
1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)

The VMware Postgres Operator images are based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
2.0.0, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.6.0
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0

For more information refer to Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


  • This release upgrades Postgres 14 to 14.6, 13 to 13.9, 12 to 12.13, and 11 to 11.18.
  • This release includes Postgres 15.1 to the supported PostgreSQL versions. Postgres 15.1 will be the default installed Postgres instance.
  • Users can now scale up or down the mirrors, or read replicas in an HA configuration. This feature adds a new field spec.highAvailability.readReplicas. For more details see Postgres CRD API Reference.
  • Users can now customize the PostgreSQL server parameters, after creating a Postgres instance. This release introduces a new Postgres CRD field, customConfig. For details refer to Customizing the PostgreSQL Server, and customConfig.
  • The new Postgres Operator Backup CRD field spec.expire allows users to expire backups from the S3 location, and the Kubernetes Operator, when the instance no longer exists. For details refer to Expire Backups.
  • To avoid login into each instance to retrieve the $BACKUP_STANZA_NAME, the instance status now includes the backup stanza name. Users can view it using kubectl describe postgres <name-of-instance>.
  • This release adds the field spec.sharedMemorySize to the Postgres CRD, to facilitate large queries, and parallel workers. This field is only available for Kubernetes version 1.22 and higher. For details refer to sharedMemorySize.
  • Version 2.0.0 now includes a Message field when describing an instance (kubectl describe postgres <postgres-instance-name>), which displays any errors that might have occured during a task, or an operation. For more details refer to Troubleshooting.
  • This release sets the PostgreSQL logs auto-rotation value to 7 days, and users can customize it using ConfigMaps. Use kubectl logs <instance-name> -c instance-logging to view the logs. For details on updating server parameters refer to Updating PostgreSQL parameters.


  • Release 2.0.0 changes the product name from VMware Tanzu SQL with Postgres for Kubernetes to VMware SQL with Postgres for Kubernetes.
  • Release 2.0.0 updates the VMware Tanzu Data Services package to version 1.6.0: For more information see Installing the VMware Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI.
  • The base image for the operator and instance images has been changed from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
  • In the 2.0.0 release Postgres 14 and 15 use OpenSSL with FIPS enabled, and they do not support md5 authentication any longer. Update any existing Postgres roles that use md5 password authentication to scram-sha-256.
  • Python 3 is now supported for python-based Postgres extensions. Migrate any Python 2 extensions to Python 3 since Python 2 is unsupported. For details on the migration steps refer to Python 2 vs. Python 3.
  • This release updates the glibc library from 2.2.7 to 2.3.5. Refer to Important upgrade notes for guidelines on upgrading to version 2.0.0.
  • This release adds a safeguard mechanism that prevents the user from scaling down an HA cluster if the nodes are not completely synchronized, or in a healthy state.

Fixed Issues

  • In HA instances, when the user executed kubectl rollout restart sts <name-of-instance>, only one of the pods was restarted, instead of both. This issue has been fixed, and now both pods restart one after the another.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Postgres 11, 12, and 13 are not FIPS compliant because Postgres provides a built-in md5 function and supports md5 password encryption instead of delegating to the underlying openssl library.
  • The Disaster Recovery workflow in VMware Postgres Operator supports only a non-running target Disaster Recovery instance. The target instance doesn't serve any read requests.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.

Upgrading to 2.0.0

Important: Due to the upgrade of the glibc library from 2.27 to 2.35, some indexes will be affected by collation changes and must be reindexed.

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 2.0.0 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page, and the Important upgrade notes topic.

Release 1.9.1

Release Date: November 28th, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.9.1 PostgreSQL 14.6, 13.9, 12.13, and 11.18
pgBackRest 2.41
pg_auto_failover 2.0
postGIS 2.5.8 (for 11, 12), 3.2.3 (for 13, 14)
Orafce 3.25
pgAudit 1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
1.9.1, 1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.1
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.3.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.2.0
1.8.0, 1.7.2 1.1.0
1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.0.2
1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.0.1
1.7.1 1.0.0

For more information refer to Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


  • This release upgrades Postgres 14 to 14.6, 13 to 13.9, 12 to 12.13, and 11 to 11.18.
  • Release 1.9.1 updates pg_auto_failover to version 2.0, and pgBackRest to 2.41, Orafce to 3.25.


  • Release 1.9.1 updates the VMware Tanzu Data Services package to version 1.5.1: For more information see Installing the Tanzu Operator using the Tanzu CLI.
  • This release addresses CVE-2022-32149: An attacker may cause a denial of service by crafting an Accept-Language header which ParseAcceptLanguage will take significant time to parse.

Fixed Issues

  • The container postgres-metrics-exporter logs were filled with error messages caused by the lack of CONNECT privileges for metrics user postgres_exporter, when attempting to collect pg_database_size_bytes metric data. This issue has now been resolved.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Customers using an HA configuration, should not scale down to a non-HA setup. Removing the mirror might cause issues.
  • The Disaster Recovery workflow in Tanzu Postgres expects a non-running target Disaster Recovery instance. The target instance does not serve any read requests.
  • Running backups concurrently on the same instance is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The fields appUser, readOnlyUser, and readWriteUser in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be altered after the instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted, and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Upgrading to 1.9.1

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 1.9.1 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page, and the Important upgrade notes topic.

Release 1.9.0

Release Date: October 12th , 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware SQL with Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.9.0 PostgreSQL 14.5, 13.8, 12.12, and 11.17
pgBackRest 2.40
pg_auto_failover 1.6.4
postGIS 2.5.8 (for 11, 12), 3.2.3 (for 13, 14)
Orafce 3.21
pgAudit 1.6.2 (for 14),
1.5.2 (for 13),
1.4.3 (for 12),
1.3.4 (for 11)

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Tanzu Data Services packages

To install the Tanzu Postgres Operator using the Tanzu CLI, use the following Postgres to TDS package mapping:

VMware SQL for Postgres Versions TDS Package version
1.9.0, 1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.5.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.4.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.3.0
1.8.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.2.0
1.8.0, 1.7.2 1.1.0
1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.0.2
1.7.2, 1.7.1 1.0.1
1.7.1 1.0.0

For more information refer to Installing using the Tanzu CLI.


  • This release upgrades Postgres 14 to 14.5, 13 to 13.8, 12 to 12.12, and 11 to 11.17.
  • This release adds support for VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) 1.5.
  • This release adds a new field spec.persistentVolumeClaimPolicy to the Postgres instance yaml, that specifies retention policy to the instance PVC after an instance deletion. For more information see Configure Persistent Volume Claim Retention Policy, and persistentVolumeClaimPolicy.
  • Tanzu Postgres can now be deployed on Openshift clusters. This release adds a new field enableSecurityContext in the Operator values.yaml, which must be changed to false for Openshift deployments. For details see Installing a Tanzu Postgres Operator.
  • This release adds a check for the instance seccompProfile value in the Postgres instance CRD yaml, and generates an error if the user configures an unsupported value type.
  • This release supports two new roles under the spec.pgConfig field, readOnlyUser and readWriteUser, for the instance database named under pgConfig.dbname. For further details refer to pgConfig in the Postgres CRD API Reference page, or Create custom database name and user account.
  • When installing the Tanzu Operator using kapp CLI, users can now use a custom namespace without the need of setting the namespace context.


  • Release 1.9.0 updates the VMware Tanzu Data Services package to version 1.5.0: For more information see Installing the Tanzu Operator using the Tanzu CLI.
  • Deleting an instance and its PostgresBackupSchedule, now removes the related instance backup cron job.
  • This release removes standard as the default storage class for the data and monitor pods. The fields monitorStorageClassName and storageClassName if left unspecified, are configured using the default Kubernetes storage class (annotated with For more details refer to storageClassName in the Postgres CRD reference page.
  • The restore status message displays an error in scenarios where the source and target instances are in different major versions. The error is similar to PostgresBackup version on the backup and the target instance don't match. You can view the restore status by using a command like kubectl describe postgresrestore <name of restore object>.
  • This release revokes all privileges on public schema for postgres, and pgConfig.dbname databases. Before upgrading to Tanzu Postgres 1.9.0, existing manually created roles with no explicitly granted permissions, or roles that relied on the default privileges for public schema, will need to be updated. For upgrade details refer to the Notes in Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances.

Fixed Issues

  • When attempting to scale a restored single-node instance to HA, the operation would fail, and the secondary node would not come up. This issue has now been resolved, and restored instances can now be scaled to an HA configuration.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • The Disaster Recovery workflow in Tanzu Postgres expects a non-running target Disaster Recovery instance. The target instance does not serve any read requests.
  • Running backups concurrently on the same instance is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The fields appUser, readOnlyUser, and readWriteUser in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be altered after the instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted, and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Upgrading to 1.9.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 1.9.0 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page, and the Important upgrade notes topic.

Release 1.8.0

Release Date: July 7th, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.8.0 PostgreSQL 14.4, 13.7, 12.11, and 11.16
pgBackRest 2.38
pg_auto_failover 1.6.4
postGIS 3.2.1 (for 11, 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.21
pgAudit 1.6.1 (for 14),
1.5.1 (for 13),
1.4.1 (for 12),
1.3.1 (for 11),
1.2.1 (for 10)

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


  • Release 1.8.0 introduces the Disaster Recovery feature. You can now create a target standy instance in a difference namespace or Kubernetes cluster that continuously restores data from a source instance, using a remote backup location. You can fail over to the standby instance, promote it to be the primary, and also fail back. This feature introduces three new instance CRD fields: spec.deployOptions.continuousRestoreTarget, spec.deployOptions.sourceStanzaName, and status.lastRestoreTime. For more details see Configuring Disaster Recovery.
  • You can now perform a Point-in-Time restore (PITR), which allows the data to revert back to a specific point in time after a backup was taken. This functionality introduces a new field in the PostgresRestore CRD, named pointInTime. For more details see Perform a point-in-time restore, and Backup and Restore CRD API Reference.
  • You can now store backup artifacts in an Azure blob store. The postgresBackupLocation CRD has been updated to reflect the new fields for the Azure object store. For details see PostgresBackupLocation Resource and PostgresBackupLocation Resource.
  • Release 1.8.0 introduces,,, and These fields replace the spec.cpu and spec.memory fields in previous Tanzu Postgres versions. Users should switch to the new resource optional fields, as the spec.cpu and spec.memory fields will be deprecated in a future release. For details see resources in the Postgres CRD API Reference page.
  • This release adds ytt overlays to the Carvel package. The overlays module allows you to patch YAML structures. For more information, see ytt.
  • The command kubectl get postgresbackup now includes an additional column that shows the SOURCE NAMESPACE of an instance's backup. This column helps uniquely identify backups when the same backup name is used across different namespaces.
  • This release introduces new status.backups fields in the Postgres Custom Resource Definition (CRD). The new fields, lastSuccessful and lastCreated, describe the most recent successful backup, and the most recently created backup. For more details see Postgres CRD API Reference.
  • The minimum supported Kubernetes version has been updated to 1.21. For details on the Kubernetes 1.21 release see Kubernetes Changelog.
  • This release updates the VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGi) version support to 1.12.x - 1.14.x.
  • This release upgrades Postgres 14 to 14.4. Postgres 14.4 resolves one key issue that could cause silent data corruption when using the CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY or REINDEX CONCURRENTLY commands. For more details, review E.1.2 Changes, and PostgreSQL 14.4 Release Notes.
    Existing Postgres 14.3 instances will be automatically upgraded to 14.4 when upgrading to Tanzu Operator 1.8.0.


Fixed Issues

  • This release changes the Postgres Operator Carvel package configuration in order to stop unnecessary reconciliation of the package by the kapp-controller.
  • This release fixes an issue where the command kubectl get postgresbackup would show backups that were expried or deleted at the storage location. This issue has been fixed and PostgresBackup objects corresponding to expired backups will now be automatically deleted from Kubernetes.
  • This release fixes an issue when client connections might fail when restoring a database to a different postgres instance on an IPv6-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • The Disaster Recovery workflow in Tanzu Postgres only supports a non-running target Disaster Recovery instance. The target instance doesn't serve any read requests.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Upgrading to 1.8.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 1.8.0 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page.

Release 1.7.3

Release Date: June 9th, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.7.3 PostgreSQL 14.3, 13.7, 12.11, and 11.16
pgBackRest 2.38
pg_auto_failover 1.6.4
postGIS 3.2.1 (for 11, 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.21
pgAudit 1.6.1 (for 14),
1.5.1 (for 13),
1.4.1 (for 12),
1.3.1 (for 11),
1.2.1 (for 10)

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


Fixed Issues

  • This release fixes an issue where user provided process-max and log-level-console values under the additionalParameters field in the PostgresBackupLocation resource was ignored.
  • To prevent restore objects name collision in synchronized backups, the Postgres instance's backup object name now includes the instance's UUID.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • When restoring a database to a different postgres instance on an IPv6-enabled Kubernetes cluster, client connections may fail. This issue does not occur when the source and target databases have the same name.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Release 1.7.2

Release Date: May 19th, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.7.2 PostgreSQL 14.3, 13.7, 12.11, and 11.16.
pgBackRest 2.38
pg_auto_failover 1.6.4
postGIS 3.2.1 (for 11, 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.21
pgAudit 1.6.1 (for 14),
1.5.1 (for 13),
1.4.1 (for 12),
1.3.1 (for 11),
1.2.1 (for 10)

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


  • This release supports VMware Postgres 14.3, 13.7, 12.11, and 11.16. For more information on VMware Postgres see VMware Postgres.
  • Release 1.7.2 updates the OCI artifact to version 1.0.1: For more information see Installing the Tanzu Operator using the Tanzu CLI.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • When restoring a database to a different postgres instance on an IPv6-enabled Kubernetes cluster, client connections may fail. This issue does not occur when the source and target databases have the same name.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Release 1.7.1

Release Date: April 25th, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.7.1 PostgreSQL 11.15, 12.10, 13.6, 14.2
pgBackRest 2.37
pg_auto_failover 1.6.3
postGIS 2.5.5 (for 11.14), 3.2.0 (for 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.17
pgAudit 1.6.1

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


  • The Tanzu Postgres 1.7.1 release supports Carvel tools, and the 1.7.1. container images are packaged as an image bundle that is distributed as a new OCI artifact: For more information on image bundles see Resources in the Carvel documentation.

  • The Tanzu Postgres Operator can now be installed using the Tanzu CLI and the new Carvel image bundle. Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) users can now use the same toolchain to manage both products. For details on the Tanzu CLI installation process see Installing a Tanzu Postgres Operator.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixes an issue where backup synchronization to a different namespace or cluster was only supported for full backups. Release 1.7.1 now supports restoring incremental and differential backups to a different namespace or cluster.
  • Release 1.7.1 updates the package to a later version which addresses the following CVE:

Known Issues and Limitations

  • When restoring a database to a different postgres instance on an IPv6-enabled Kubernetes cluster, client connections may fail. This issue does not occur when the source and target databases have the same name.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Release 1.7.0

Release Date: April 15th, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.7.0 PostgreSQL 11.15, 12.10, 13.6, 14.2
pgBackRest 2.37
pg_auto_failover 1.6.3
postGIS 2.5.5 (for 11.14), 3.2.0 (for 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.17
pgAudit 1.6.1

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


  • This release allows instance backups to be synchronized in two different namespaces or Kubernetes clusters. This feature allows users to restore to a new Tanzu Postgres instance from a previously created backup, even if the instance that originated the backup is not available, and even if the originating backup namespace is different from the restore namespace. For more information see Restoring Tanzu Postgres.
  • The PostgresBackupLocation CRD now supports an additional field named additionalParameters. For more information see Backup and Restore Deployment Properties.
  • Users can now provide service annotations for the Load Balancer service, to cater for internal and external load balancer configurations. The annotations provide more flexibility with Cloud provider environments. For more information see Internal Load Balancer.
  • This release supports deploying Tanzu Postgres instances in Kubernetes clusters with IPv6 enabled.


  • This release removes the deprecated property repo-s3-verify-tls from pgBackRest, and replaces it with repo-storage-verify-tls.
  • Users are now prevented from using reserved system names like "postgres" as values in pgConfig.adminUser, pgConfig.appUser, and pgConfig.dbName. Creating an instance using reserved words now returns an error similar to: pgconfig.dbname cannot be postgres.
  • Users cannot anymore alter the Custom Resource manifest of a backup or restore object that has been initiated, regardless if the backup or restore has succeeded or failed. If a user attempts to modify the Restore CR after applying it, the change will not be stored, and they will see a message similar to: "Forbidden: spec cannot be updated after Restore has been created."
  • Tanzu Postgres pgBackRest configuration will not longer send log information to disk, at location /pgsql/logs/<namespace>-<instance-name>-backup.log. Instead it will send logs to stdout and stderr. Use a log collector of your choice to store the logs in a custom location.
  • From this release, backups are not encrypted automatically. Customers are advised to use their S3 provider server-side encryption method and/or client-side encryption. For information on implementing client-side encryption, see Configure Client-side Encryption for Backups.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixes an issue where successful or unsuccessful backups would show incorrect completion time.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Backup synchronization to a different namespace or cluster is only supported for full backups.
  • When restoring a database to a different postgres instance on an IPv6-enabled Kubernetes cluster, client connections may fail. This issue does not occur when the source and target databases have the same name.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Upgrading to 1.7.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 1.7.0 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page.

Release 1.6.2

Release Date: April 1st, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.6.2 PostgreSQL 11.15.1, 12.10.1, 13.6.1, 14.2.1
psqlODBC 13.02.0000
pgjdbc 42.3.2
pgBackRest 2.38
pg_auto_failover 1.6.3
postGIS 2.5.5 (for 11.14), 3.2.0 (for 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.17
pgAudit 1.6.1

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Fixed Issues

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • Recovering a backup to a new Postgres instance is restricted to the same namespace.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Release 1.6.1

Release Date: March 16th, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.6.1 PostgreSQL 11.15.1, 12.10.1, 13.6.1, 14.2.1
psqlODBC 13.02.0000
pgjdbc 42.3.2
pgBackRest 2.38
pg_auto_failover 1.6.3
postGIS 2.5.5 (for 11.14), 3.2.0 (for 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.17
pgAudit 1.6.1

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:


  • Tanzu Postgres 1.6.1 updates pgBackRest to version 2.38. For information on the 2.38 release see v2.38: Minor Bug Fixes and Improvements.
  • This release includes VMware Postgres 11.15.1, 12.10.1, 13.6.1, and 14.2.1.
  • pgBackRest no longer writes logs to a default /pgsql/logs/<namespace>-<instance-name>-backup.log prescribed file location. Instead it outputs log information to stdout and stderr. Users who wish to store the logs, are advised to configure a custom log collector.
  • Users are no longer able to modify an existing Backup object after the backup has been initiated. An attempt for such a change will result in an error similar to: "Forbidden: spec cannot be updated after Backup has been created.".

Fixed Issues

  • From this release it is not possible for a user to scale the Monitor pod down to a value other than 1. The Tanzu Postgres Operator will now reconcile the Monitor component if a user scales it down.
  • The output of kubectl get postgresbackup did not correctly display the time a backup had completed. The output of the command now displays the correct finish time of a backup.
  • This release addresses CVE-2021-38561 golang: out-of-bounds read in leads to DoS.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • Recovering a backup to a new Postgres instance is restricted to the same namespace.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Release 1.6.0

Release Date: February 28th, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.6.0 PostgreSQL 11.15, 12.10, 13.6, 14.2
psqlODBC 13.02.0000
pgjdbc 42.3.2
pgBackRest 2.37
pg_auto_failover 1.6.3
postGIS 2.5.5 (for 11.14), 3.2.0 (for 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.17
pgAudit 1.6.1

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support customer deployments that have modified the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


  • Tanzu Postgres 1.6.0 supports PostgreSQL 14.2, 13.6, 12.10, and 11.15. When upgrading to Tanzu Operator 1.6.0, existing instances will be upgraded to the latest minor version.
  • This release adds pgAudit 1.6.1 to the Tanzu Postgres component list. For more details, see pgAudit.
  • Version 1.6.0 upgrades pgBackRest to 2.37.
  • This release upgrades pgjdbc to 42.3.2, and postGIS to 3.2.0 (for PostgreSQL 12, 13, or 14).
  • Release 1.6.0 supports Secure Compute Mode (seccomp) profiles. This release introduces a new Postgres CRD field seccompProfile. For more information, see seccompProfile in the Postgres API reference page.
  • This release adds Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to the Supported Platforms list.
  • Users can now specify a retention policy for full and differential backups. The PostgresBackupLocation CRD includes two new properties, spec.retentionPolicy.fullRetention and spec.retentionPolicy.diffRetention. For more details see Backup and Restore CRD API Reference.
  • Tanzu Postgres 1.6.0 supports secret rotation for the Postgres Application user appUser. The Postgres database will automatically pickup up a refreshed secret.
  • This release supports a new field spec.imagePullSecret in the Postgres instance CRD. Users can now replace the default regsecret to their own registry secret.


  • This release removes the column AGE from the output of the command kubectl get postgresversion.

Fixed Issues

  • TSQL-2 - Fixes an issue where the restore process is unable to complete on Postgres instances that have gone through a timeline change.
  • TSQL-3 - This release fixes an issue where containers would use more CPU than expected, and runc process would restart repeatedly. Users can now set the seccompProfile to Localhost or Unconfined. For more details on seccompProfile see seccompProfile in the Postgres API reference page.
  • This release fixes an issue where in a newly restored instance, the appUser secret for any application service-bindings would require manual secret reconfiguration.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • A backup may still be running but show as finished in the output of kubectl get postgresbackup.
  • Running backups concurrently is not supported. If a backup is already running, starting another one will fail.
  • Recovering a backup to a new Postgres instance is restricted to the same namespace.
  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

Upgrading to 1.6.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 1.6.0 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page.

Release 1.5.0

Release Date: January 7th, 2022

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.5.0 PostgreSQL 11.14, 12.9, 13.5, 14.1
psqlODBC 13.2-0000
pgjdbc 42.3.1
pgBackRest 2.36
pg_auto_failover 1.6.3
postGIS 2.5.5 (for 11.14), 3.1.4 (for 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.17

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support deployments that have been modified by adding layers to the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


VMware Postgres Operator 1.5.0 has the following new features:

  • Release 1.5.0 supports pod Affinity and Tolerations for advanced scheduling and HA configurations. For more information, see Configuring Affinity and Tolerations at the Deploying a Postgres Instance page.
  • Tanzu Postgres Operator 1.5.0 supports Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) with Service Binding. This release introduces a new Postgres CRD field appUser and an application secret <pg-instance-name>-app-user-db-secret. For more information, see Creating Service Bindings.


  • This release removes the column AGE from the output of the command kubectl get postgresversion.

Fixed Issues

  • An updated Postgres instance would still show state Running even if the monitor stateful set was restarting. Now the Tanzu Postgres Operator will correctly mark the Postgres instance as Pending while the monitor statefulset is not running.
  • This release fixes an issue where a restore would not complete if the Postgres instance had gone through a timeline change.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • The application user appUser field in the Postgres instance manifest cannot be updated after the Postgres instance deployment.
  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.
  • Recovering a backup to a new Postgres instance is restricted to the same namespace.

Upgrading to 1.5.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 1.5.0 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page.

Release 1.4.1

Release Date: December 10th, 2021

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.4.1 PostgreSQL 11.14, 12.9, 13.5, 14.1
psqlODBC 13.2-0000
pgjdbc 42.3.1
pgBackRest 2.36
pg_auto_failover 1.6.3
postGIS 2.5.5 (for 11.14), 3.1.4 (for 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.17

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support deployments that have been modified by adding layers to the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


  • Release 1.4.1 has been updated to address a security CVE relating to Network Security Services (NSS). For details, see CVE-2021-43527

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • Tanzu Postgres does not support Helm version 3.7.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.
  • Recovering a backup to a new Postgres instance is restricted to the same namespace.
  • Concurrent backup is not supported. An already running backup must finish before a second backup can successfully complete.

Upgrading to 1.4.1

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 1.4.1 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page.

Existing Postgres instances will be associated with the PostgresVersion resource named postgres-11. If there are manifest files saved for those existing instances, please update the manifests to include as postgres-11.

Release 1.4.0

Release Date: November 22nd, 2021

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.4.0 PostgreSQL 11.14, 12.9, 13.5, 14.1
psqlODBC 13.2-0000
pgjdbc 42.3.1
pgBackRest 2.36
pg_auto_failover 1.6.3
postGIS 2.5.5 (for 11.14), 3.1.4 (for 12,13 and 14)
Orafce 3.17

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support deployments that have been modified by adding layers to the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


VMware Postgres Operator 1.4.0 has the following new features:

  • Release 1.4.0 supports Postgres 11.14, 12.9, 13.5, and 14.1. The default version for new Tanzu Postgres instances is 14.1.
  • This release updates the pgBackRest component to 2.36 and pg_auto_failover to 1.6.3.
  • This release supports Orafce 3.17.0, and PostGIS 2.5.5 (for Postgres 11), or PostGIS 3.1.14 (for Postgres 12, 13, and 14).
  • JDBC has been upgraded to 42.3.1, and ODBC to 13.02.00.
  • The Postgres Operator 1.4.0 now supports multiple Postgres versions. To deploy a different version than the default Postgres 14.1, see Specifying the Tanzu Postgres Version.
  • This release now supports scaling down from an HA configuration to a single Postgres instance. For more details, see Configuring High Availability in Tanzu Postgres.
  • This release supports ssl_min_protocol_version and TLSv1.2 when users deploy 12, 13, or 14 Postgres instances. Users may use the psql client and the command select setting from pg_settings where name='ssl_min_protocol_version' to confirm their instances TLS version.


  • This release removes PL/R and PL/Java from the 1.4.0 release components.
  • The legacy Postgres CRD field spec.backupLocationSecret is now removed from the Tanzu Postgres manifest.
  • The shutdown period for the Tanzu Postgres pods has been increased to allow for a more graceful shutdown period.

Fixed Issues

  • This release fixes an issue with HA failover that occured when the demoted primary had a different secret than the promoted secondary.
  • After an instance crash, certain files (for example unix socket files, lock files, and PID files) would prevent database restart. These files are now cleaned up.
  • This release fixes an issue where wildcard matching by hostname in pg_hba.conf caused unsuccessful authentication between primary and mirrors. This issue has now been resolved by deploying wildcard authentication by subdomain.
  • When customers were creating a PostgresBackupSchedule with incremental or differential backups, the backups were performed as full. This issue has now been fixed.
  • Stale information stored in the Kubernetes client cache was causing the restore process to be unstable. The restore reliability has now been improved.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Existing Tanzu Postgres instances cannot be upgraded to a new major version. The instances need to be deleted and recreated.
  • The client application parameter target_session_attrs needs to be set to target_session_attrs=read-write, to ensure correct connection type handling for client applications.
  • Tanzu Postgres does not support Helm version 3.7.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.
  • Recovering a backup to a new Postgres instance is restricted to the same namespace.
  • Concurrent backup is not supported. An already running backup must finish before a second backup can successfully complete.

Upgrading to 1.4.0

To upgrade to Tanzu Postgres 1.4.0 review the Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances page.

Existing Postgres instances will be associated with the PostgresVersion resource named postgres-11. If there are manifest files saved for those existing instances, please update the manifests to include as postgres-11.

Release 1.3.0

Release Date: October 14th, 2021

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.3.0 PostgreSQL 11.13
psqlODBC 11.0-0000
pgjdbc 42.2.5
pgBackRest 2.34
pg_auto_failover 1.6.2
postGIS 2.5.5
Orafce 3.15
PL/Java Beta 1.5.7

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support deployments that have been modified by adding layers to the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


VMware Postgres Operator 1.3.0 has the following new features:

  • Release 1.3.0 supports Postgres 11.13.
  • This release updates the pgBackRest component to 2.34 and pg_auto_failover to 1.6.2.
  • This release supports Guaranteed Quality of Service (Qos) for critical pods. When the resource limits are higher than the requests, the QoS class is Burstable.
  • This release improves secrets handling, for Postgres instances and monitor.
  • Customers can now create Postgres instances in an environment with restricted security policies. For details, see Prerequisites in the Install Tanzu Operator page.
  • This release allows customers to configure the Postgres Operator pod resources. See Access the Resources in the Install the Tanzu Operator page.
  • The Postgres Operator 1.3.0 now recreates any Postgres database or Postgres monitor secrets that are deleted by accident.
  • The Tanzu Postgres administrator can now set the certificate issuer for the Postgres operator's certificate.

Backup and Restore

  • This release deprecates the BackupLocationSecret object. Customers using a previous release of Tanzu Postgres, should migrate to the new backup and restore strategy. For details see Migrating to Tanzu Postgres 1.3.0 Backup and Restore.
  • This release introduces four new Custom Resource Definitions for backup and restore: PostgresBackupLocation, PostgresBackup, PostgresBackupSchedule, and PostgresRestore. See Backing Up and Restoring Tanzu Postgres
  • Users can filter existing backups based on Postgres instance name. For details, see Listing Backup Resources.
  • Any changes to the backup location or backup secret are automatically applied to the related Postgres instances.
  • Customers can now monitor real time the backup logs during a backup operation.
  • Postgres restore now supports recovering to a brand new instance, to help users with disaster recovery or debug scenarios. For details see Restore to a different instance.


  • Tanzu Postgres 1.3.0 provides a Prometheus compatible endpoint for metrics collection. For details see Monitoring Postgres Instances.
  • Customers can configure the resource limits and requests of the Postgres exporter. The metrics resources can be edited in the Postgres manifest file. For further details, see Configuring a Postgres Instance.
  • This release supports TLS security for metrics collection.


  • This release improves error messages.
  • The Postgres Operator and Postgres Image tags for version and repository are combined into a single variable instead of two. The Operator values.yaml now contains just one variable for each, operatorImage and postgresImage.
  • The Postgres instance wal_keep_segments value is now set to 0 by default. This provides greater flexibility and reduces space requirements for wal logs.

Limitations and Known Issues

  • Tanzu Postgres does not support Helm version 3.7.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.
  • Recovering a backup to a new Postgres instance is restricted to the same namespace.

Fixed Issues

  • The dockerRegistrySecretName in the Operator values.yaml file was set to regsecret and could not be changed to an alternative name. This issue has been resolved and users can specify an alternative secret name in the overrides file.

Release 1.2.0

Release Date: July 14, 2021

Software Component Versions

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.2.0 PostgreSQL 11.12
psqlODBC 11.0-0000
pgjdbc 42.2.5
pgBackRest 2.28
pg_auto_failover 1.4.2
postGIS 2.5.5
Orafce 3.14
PL/Java Beta 1.5.7

Supported Platforms

This version of VMware Postgres Operator is supported on the following platforms:

Additional Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, can be used for testing or demonstration purposes.

IMPORTANT: VMware does not support deployments that have been modified by adding layers to the packaged Docker images, or deployments that reference images other than the VMware Postgres Operator. VMware does not support changing the contents of the deployed containers and pods in any way.


VMware Postgres Operator 1.2.0 has the following new features:

Security Enhancements

  • VMware Postgres Operator 1.2.0 supports TLS security and user provided TLS certificates. See Creating a TLS Secret Manually.
  • Support for custom TLS issuer. See Configuring TLS for Tanzu Postgres Instances.
  • TLS certificates associated with cert-manager can be accidentally deleted and regenerated automatically.
  • Kubernetes secrets associated with a cert-manager certificate can be deleted and recovered automatically. A new certificate will be generated, and the Postgres server will restart. Applications will need to reconnect.
  • Tanzu Postgres instances are now created by default with service type ClusterIP, to enhance security.
  • New Postgres instances now use a crypto library/algorithm for enhanced password generation.

Usability Enhancements

  • The VMware Postgres Operator and instances are now available via the TanzuNet registry. See Installing a Postgres Operator for more information.
  • This release supports VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on AWS.
  • PL/Java is bundled with the 1.2 release but currently provided as Beta.
  • VMware Postgres Operator now supports the Orafce extension. Users can now run Oracle queries like SELECT months_between(date '1995-02-02', date '1995-01-01');. See Installing Postgres Extensions.
  • Release 1.2 now supports all Postgres contrib extensions, apart from plpython3u.
  • Connections to Postgres instances are now writable by default. This allows applications that cannot use connection parameters such as target_session_attrs(for libpq) or targetServertype(for JDBC) to connect to a writable instance.
  • Users can install the VMware Postgres Operator in a namespace of their choice.
  • The new release supports enhanced labels. Users can search the Kubernetes resources created by the VMware Postgres Operator Helm chart by using a label such as app=postgres-operator. See Installing a Tanzu Postgres Operator.
  • Users can now set logLevel: Debug when creating an instance. Debug logs can be shared with VMware support for troubleshooting. See Configuring a Postgres Instance.
  • The Postgres instance Monitor pod resources can now be manually altered, to support resource constrained environments such as Minikube on a client laptop. For more details see Updating the Monitor Resources.
  • Release 1.2 now supports all Postgres contrib extensions, apart from plpython3u. For more information see Additional Supplied Modules in the Postgres documentation.

Fixed Issues

  • (175768688) - Users can now create backups of similarly named instances in the same S3 bucket.
  • (176064027) - When creating a backup operation, users do not need to specify the path --pg1-path on the command line.
  • (175771699) - This release improves the error message when specifying below the minimum accepted disk space for the StorageSize field:
    "pg-small-instance.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: The field(s) StorageSize field needs to be at least 250MB are incorrectly formatted and could not be parsed.
  • (177225289) - Users can now specify the StorageSize field using M, Mi, or MB.
  • (176615909) - Non-admin users can now view Postgres objects in a specified namespace.
  • (178402085) - Fixes a log display issue where, if the instance was older than one day, the logs stopped displaying to stdout.
  • (177407650) - Fixes an issue where the database would be inaccessible for a period of time when scaling up from a single node to an HA configuration. The database is now accessible during the secondary node data copy period.
  • (178528901) - In a HA configuration, when users configured a S3 backup secret, they also had to manually create the backup stanza. This issue has been resolved, and the backup stanza is created automatically when users apply the S3 secret.


  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.

  • The dockerRegistrySecretName in the Operator values.yaml file is set to regsecret and cannot be changed to an alternative name in the overrides file .

Release 1.1.0

Release Date: February 26, 2021

Software Components

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.1.0 PostgreSQL 11.10
pgBackRest 2.31
pg_auto_failover 1.4.0


VMware Postgres Operator 1.1.0 has the following features:

  • Support for upgrading from Tanzu Postgres 1.0.0 to 1.1.0. See Upgrading the Tanzu Postgres Operator and Instances.
  • Support for Postgres 11.10.
  • Enhanced security by implementing Postgres cluster communications via SSL.
  • Improved auto-healing, when instances or services are terminated abnormally or accidentally. The Postgres operator monitors and automatically restarts any deleted or stopped instances or agents.
  • Postgres instances with the same name, in different namespaces, can now be backed up to the same S3 location.

Changed Features

  • Updated the pgbackrest sample configuration file, from pgbackrest.conf to pgbackrest.conf.template.
  • The storageSize parameter cannot be altered after Postgres instance creation. Any attempt to do so generates an error similar to: storageSize cannot be reduced after the instance is created. No changes have been made to the running instance.

Fixed Issues

  • [166560384] - Tanzu Postgres backups to an S3 location, using the parameter verifyTLS: true and a well-known Certificate Authority, would fail with an error similar to: 2020-12-18 01:01:43.460 P00 DEBUG: common/io/http/request::httpRequestProcess: retry CryptoError: unable to verify certificate presented by '': [20] unable to get local issuer certificate This issue has been resolved.
  • [175791284] - Fixed an issue where storageSize updates affected more than one instance, if the instances had matching names in separate namespaces.
  • [175885808] - Updated the s3-secret-example.yaml file for S3 backups, and all parameters are now specified in double quotes.
  • [175618701] - Resolved an issue with the s3 secret yaml file, where parameters marked as "optional" but not configured would cause the backup operation to fail.
  • [175602831] - When the archive_mode flag was on (in the postgresql.conf file), but the backupLocationSecret was left unconfigured in the instance configuration yaml file, backups were still attempted. This issue has been resolved.
  • [176061339] - Changed the detail level of the pgbackrest console output to info.

Release 1.0.0

Release Date: October 30, 2020

VMware Postgres Operator 1.0.0 is the first release of VMware VMware Postgres Operator on Kubernetes.

Software Components

VMware Postgres Version Component Component Version
1.0.0 PostgreSQL 11.9
psqlODBC 11.0-0000
pgjdbc 42.2.5
pgBackRest 2.28
pg_auto_failover 1.4.0
postGIS 2.5.4


VMware Postgres Operator 1.0.0 has the following features:

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Upgrades from the Beta program releases to the VMware Postgres Operator 1.0.0 release are not supported. Download and install the latest version.
  • The High Availability configuration contains only one mirror.
  • The default storage size for the Postgres instance is too limited for long term running Postgres environments. Change the storageSize to 10G, and use an expandable storage class. See Deploying a Postgres Instance.
  • During an upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0, in an HA scenario, the Postgres instances state does not show "Ready" until both the primary and the mirror nodes have restarted. This limitation stops the clients from connecting to a read-write instance during the upgrade.
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