As a Skyline administrator, you can activate or deactivate Log Assist within Skyline Advisor Pro.

To activate or deactivate Log Assist:


Verify that you have the Skyline administrator service role.


  1. Log in to Skyline Advisor Pro.
  2. Click Settings -> Advanced.
  3. Under the Advanced section, toggle the switch to the left to deactivate the Log Assist.

    Log Assist is turned "ON" by default.


The Log Assist tab within Skyline Advisor Pro displays a message that Log Assist has been deactivated for your account. To upload support bundle files, contact your Skyline Administrator.

As a Skyline admin, you see a notification to enable Log Assist on the Log Assist card within the Dashboard. As a Skyline user, you see a message that Log Assist is deactivated, contact the Skyline Administrator for access.