A Finding includes a unique ID, severity, description, category, first observed date, recommendation, and table of affected objects.

To view more details about the specific finding, click on the Finding card. On the Finding Details page, a banner notifies you if it is a Diagnostic Finding.

A Finding may display a recommendation and affected objects for VMware Cloud Foundation and/or individual products. The recommendation and affected objects depend upon the following:

Individual Product

A Finding will display a product recommendation and affected objects if all of the following are true:

  • Added the product component to a Skyline Collector. Product components include vCenter Server, NSX-V Manager, NSX-T Manager, Horizon Connection Server, VMware Aria Operations, and VMware Aria Operations for Logs.

  • The Finding has a specific recommendation for product objects. Examples of product objects include ESXi hosts, virtual machines, and NSX Manager.

VMware Cloud Foundation

A Finding will display a VMware Cloud Foundation recommendation and affected objects if all of the following are true:

  • Added SDDC Manager to a Skyline Collector.

  • Added VMware Cloud Foundation components to a Skyline Collector. Components include vCenter Server, NSX-T Manager, and VMware Aria Operations.

  • The Finding has a specific recommendation for VMware Cloud Foundation.


Not all Findings have specific recommendations for VMware Cloud Foundation.

Table 1. Finding Details



Finding ID

A unique identifier for the Finding.


Critical, Moderate, or Trivial


An explanation of the Finding.

Finding First Observed

The date the finding was first observed within your environment. This date could be when the Finding was first added to Skyline or when your environment was first observed to be impacted. For example, new Findings may appear for a product after updating that product to a new version and build.

Risk if no action taken

The risk to your VMware product or solution.


The action needed to resolve the finding.

Helpful Links

Additional information about the finding. This includes VMware Knowledge Base (KB) articles, Security Advisories, or other VMware documentation.


If a filter has been applied, the list of objects upon which the filter is being applied is displayed.

Affected Objects

A list of all objects (vCenter Server, ESXi host, virtual machines) impacted by Finding.

You can search for a specific Affected Object using the Search box located above the table of Affected Objects.

For all objects listed within the Affected Objects table, the following details are available:

Table 2. Affected Objects Table



Source Name

The source object for the object listed in the object name column. The source object will be the vCenter Server, NSX Manager, VMware Aria Operations, or Horizon Connection Server that manages the child object listed in the Object Name column.

Object Name

The name of the object impacted by the finding.

Clicking on the object name within the Affected Objects table.

Object Type

The type of object. Examples include ESXi host, virtual machine, NSX Manager, or NSX Edge.

Solution Tags

These tags are displayed to bring awareness to pre-validated, integrated solutions that have been deployed within your environment. Extra attention and care should be taken for these Solutions when planning to implement a recommendation made by Skyline.

Object First Observed

The date for when the affected object was first observed for the finding. For example, if you have an existing finding and you add additional ESXi hosts to Skyline, those new hosts will have a different first observed date than those originally listed in the existing finding.

The Finding First Observed date will always be the earliest date for an Affected Object First Observed date.


An explanation of the Finding for the affected object.

Click the back arrow above the Finding ID to return to the Findings page.


If a Filter has been applied, the Filter will remain applied after clicking the back arrow above Finding ID to return to the Findings page. Click Clear All to remove the applied filter.


Click the Export button to export all affected objects in CSV format. The CSV file will contain the following information for the Affected Objects:

  • Source Name

  • Object Name

  • Object Type

  • Solution Tags

  • Summary

  • Finding Id

  • Issue Description

  • Risk if no Action Taken

  • Severity

  • Recommendations

  • Host Version

  • Build

  • First Observed

  • Reference

If the Finding has a recommendation for VMware Cloud Foundation and a product, the exported CSV will contain Affected Objects for both VMware Cloud Foundation and the product objects.