Filter the Findings by inventory object, severity, category, finding type, solution, or first observed date.

Follow these steps to filter findings based on specific criteria.


  1. Within Skyline Advisor Pro, click the Findings & Recommendations tab.
  2. The Filters panel appears on the left of the Findings page.
  3. To search for a particular Finding, enter the name of the object in the Search by Object Name text box. Expand Inventory, Severity, Category, Solutions, Finding Type, or First Observed to view all filter options available.
  4. Select the criteria for which you want to filter by.

    Filter for all findings that impact a particular vCenter Server in the Security Category.

    Apply the Troubleshooting filter to your Active Findings to view Diagnostic Findings, which will help you prioritize your remediations.

  5. To clear the applied filter, click Clear All.