Configure email notification preferences within Skyline Advisor Pro. You can activate or deactivate email notifications for Skyline events, including new 360 insights report availability, support requests, new critical findings, entitlement account changes, account subscription links, password expiry, collector health and upgrades, and product announcements.

There are two types of email notification preferences: General Notifications and Skyline Collector Notifications.

Configure email notification preferences within Skyline Advisor Pro for the following events:



New S360 Insights Report Availability

Notify me on an availability of new Insights Report.

Log Assist Support Request

Notify me for a new Log Transfer Request.

Product Announcements

Notify me when there are new Product Announcements.

New Critical Findings

Notify me when new Critical Findings & Recommendations are available for to review.

Collector Health Status

(Mandatory notification for the Skyline Administrator service role only)

Email to notify when Skyline Collector Health status changes.

Collector Upgrades

(Skyline Administrator service role only)

Notify me if my Collector is running an obsolete version.

Skyline Collector Password Expiry

(Skyline Administrator service role only)

Notify me when the Skyline Collector password is about to expire.

VMware Skyline sends an email notification to the email address used to log in to Skyline Advisor Pro.


Activating or deactivating email notifications is not a global or per-Cloud Services Organization setting. Activating or deactivating email notifications only affects the logged-in user. If User A activates email notification and User B deactivates email notification, only User A receives notification of changes or updates, as specified within this feature.


Skyline Collector Notifications are only available to Skyline Administrator service role members.


  1. In Skyline Advisor Pro, click Settings.
  2. To activate email notifications, toggle the switch to the right.

    The switch appears in green when email notifications for the event are activated.

  3. To deactivate email notifications, toggle the switch to the left.

    The switch appears in gray when email notifications for the event are deactivated.