Grant users access to Skyline Advisor Pro within your organization.

As an organization owner, you must configure users so that your VMware Skyline Advisor Pro users can see and manage the applications assigned to them.

VMware Skyline Advisor Pro uses role-based access. There are two types of roles:

  • Organization roles

  • Service roles

All users must have an Organization Member role to access the service console and a Skyline User role to open and view the service UI.

Organization roles

Organization roles provide access to the service console. These roles have particular permissions. This section provides an overview of the four key Organization roles. For more information about how these roles affect general organization permissions, see VMware Cloud Services organization roles.



Organization owner

You can open the console, assign organization roles to all users, and assign service roles to all organization roles, including yourself.

Organization administrator

You can open the console and assign service roles to organization members.

Organization member

You can open the console. To open a service, you must have a service role assigned by an owner or administrator.

Service roles

The service roles determine what you can see and do in VMware Skyline Advisor Pro.



Skyline Administrator

Users with a Skyline Administrator service role can utilize features and functionality available within VMware Skyline Advisor Pro, including Dashboard, Collector Details, Inventory, Findings & Recommendations, Upgrade Recommendations, and Log Assist.

For more information on Skyline Administrator roles and responsibilities, see Where to begin when using the VMware Skyline Advisor Pro.

Skyline User

Users with Skyline User service role have access to Dashboard, Collector Details, Inventory, Findings & Recommendations, Upgrade Recommendations, and Log Assist.

Skyline API User

A user assigned the Skyline API User service access role can leverage the Skyline Insights API feature. You have Read-Only access to Findings, Inventory, and Log Assist Requests.