You can tag the analysis task, save the inputs for the analysis run, and configure notifications to receive the report using diagnostics details page.


  • Verify that you can access the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics user interface.

  • Verify that you have either SHD Operator or SHD Administrator privileged user credentials to log in the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics.

  • Verify that you are not trying to create the new analysis profile and modifying the existing analysis profile.


  1. Log in to the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics user interface on a supported web browser using a user with operator or administrator privilege.
  2. In the top menu, select Analyze, select the profile from the Profiles pane which you want to modify.
  3. Enter Name for the Profile to save this run as analysis profile.

    If you intended to save the profile, enter a name and click Check For Duplicate to ensure the name is unique.

  4. Input the tag name under Tags to identify the analysis. The tagging helps in quick search of the analysis report from Show Reports section.
  5. Input the Limit days to limit the analysis of logs to the specified number of days from the log collection date.

    If you do not specify any value, default value is 0 to analyze all the logs. Example If you are collection of the logs at July 20th and you want to limit the analysis of log from July 10th till July 20th, then you will input value 10 in the Limit days.

  6. Select Send Notification to receive email for the completion status and the report of the analysis.
  7. Select the applicable Notification Distribution Group from the available options. You can select more than one from the existing list.

    Distribution Group is mandatory when Send Notification is selected.

  8. Expand Enter Scheduling Details section, check Enable Scheduler to schedule this analysis at a defined frequency.
    • Scheduling option is available for only certain type of checks.

    • Supported frequencies are Daily, Weekly, Monthly.


Profile and other related details are updated.