You can analyse and get recommendation for the issues impacting the health, availability, hardware compatibility, and reliability of the VMware products using the new analysis. You can also schedule the analysis and configure notifications to receive reports. You can save these inputs for future reuse as profile.


  • Verify that you can access the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics user interface.

  • Verify that you have either SHD Operator or SHD Administrator privileged user credentials to log in the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics.

  • Verify that the Credential Store is activated.

  • Verify that you have the user credentials for the VMware Products to run the analysis.

  • Verify that the required user has roles and permissions to collect logs from the VMware Product.

    • Each of the products may have different Permissions or Role requirement to allow an authenticated user to collect logs. Consult respective product documentation for details.

  • Verify that the user account used for VMware product has required privileges to connect through API, collect inventory details and configuration and other related data.

  • Some checks will require remote connectivity over SSH Session to the target server. Make sure it is available, and you have access required user credentials.


  1. Log in to the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics user interface on a supported web browser using a user with operator or administrator privilege.
  2. In the top menu, click Analyze > New Analysis.
  3. Select the intended VMware Product to diagnose from the Select Product to Analyse on the Diagnostics Checks page.
  4. Select the diagnostics checks you want to execute and click Next.

    The input requirement on Target Details page will vary depending on the product and checks that you have selected.

  5. On Target Details page, enter the details as requested by referring to section Supported Checks for Products and Related Input Requirements as part of Analysis Profile.

    Include the port for the FQDN or IP address of the VMware product if the service is not running on the standard HTTPS Port (443).


  6. Click Connect to validate the input details and optionally bring up the inventory for selecting further target objects.
    • Connect action validates the credentials by performing log in to the given VMware product.

    • Inventory is displayed only if it is required for the selected checks.

    • Displays the product inventory if connection is successful.

  7. Select the intended inventory items to diagnose if inventory is displayed and click Next.
  8. Provide the required details on the Profile Details page, refer to instructions in section Instruction to fill the Profile Details Page
  9. Click Next button to review the details on the final Review page.
  10. Click Save & Run to save the profile and start the analysis.
    • Save & Run is displayed only if you choose to save the analysis profile by providing Name for the Profile in Diagnostics Details page.

    • Run Without Save! Is displayed if you choose to keep the Name for the Profile field empty in Diagnostics Details page.


Once you have submitted the analysis, details will be validated, and analysis task will start.

In case, validation fails, appropriate error message will appear, and you are requested to navigate back and update the input values to fix the errors.

On successful submission:

  • New task entry will appear under Analyze>Tasks table.

  • If you have chosen to save this profile, the new profile will be created and listed under Analyze>Profiles pane.

  • On successful completion of the task, analysis report will be generated and listed under Show Reports pane.