You can edit an existing Analysis Profile to change the target details, checks included, update the credentials. You can also change the scheduler and notification related details.


  • Verify that you can access the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics user interface.

  • Verify that you have either SHD Operator or SHD Administrator privileged user credentials to log in the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics.

  • Verify that the Credential Store is activated.

  • The users with SHD Operator role can only edit the profiles they have created.

  • The users with SHD Administrator role can edit any of the profiles.

  • All the prerequisites for creating a new profile will apply to edit workflow too.


  1. Log in to the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics user interface on a supported web browser using a user with operator or administrator privilege.
  2. In the top menu, select Analyze.
  3. Select the profile from the Profiles pane which you want to edit and click Edit.

    Edit Profile wizard is displayed.

  4. On Diagnostic Checks page select or de-select the diagnostic checks as required.

    Note: You are not allowed to change Select Product to Diagnose.

  5. Click Next.
  6. On Target Details page, update the details as requested, if required.
  7. Click Connect to validate the input details and optionally bring up the Inventory tree for selecting further target objects.

    Note: Inventory is displayed only if it is required for the checks included.

    • Connect action validates the credentials by performing log in to the given VMware product.

    • Displays the product inventory if connection is successful.

  8. Select or modify the intended inventory items to diagnose if the inventory tree is displayed and click Next.
  9. On the Profile Details page update the details as required for Tags, Limit days, Notification Settings, and Schedule Details.

    Name for this Profile is read only in edit mode and cannot be changed.

  10. Click Next button to review the details on the final Review page.

    Review Page is displayed with a summary of the Analysis.

  11. Click Save.

    Details will be validated. If validation fails, you are expected to navigate to previous wizard pages and update the input values to address the validation failure.


On successful submission, profile values will be updated.