The VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics version 4.0.0 and onwards you can save the inputs provided for the analysis and reuse it as profiles. The profile saves the inputs provided for the analysis like VMware Products to analyze, checks to be performed, connection details, notification, and scheduling details.

For input, details refer to section Supported Checks for Products and Related Input Requirements as part of Analysis Profile


If you want to use Notification feature, refer section Configuring Notification Feature of VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics to know more about configuring Notifications.

  1. You cannot save a profile if it includes checks that cannot be re-run at a later point in time. Example offline diagnostics cannot be saved as profile.

  2. Similarly, some of the checks cannot be scheduled and hence profiles having such checks cannot be scheduled. Example vSphere Diagnostics checks cannot be scheduled. However, you can still save them as profiles and run manually.

  3. Exclusive Checks and Non-Exclusive Checks: Some of the checks across the products can appear as exclusive checks. An exclusive check cannot be selected along with other checks. It can be the only check included in the analysis.