A VoIP Trap Adapter, like any other trap adapter can be configured for failover. If the Active VoIP Trap Adapter fails, the Failover Manager tries to restart the Active VoIP Trap Adapter.

  1. Install the service for the VoIP Trap Adapter on both the Active (Host A) and Standby (Host B) servers using the following command:


    ./sm_service install --force --unmanaged --startmode=runonce \
    --name=ic-voip-notification-trapd-receiver \
    --description=”EMC VoIP Notification Trap Adapter” \
    <BASEDIR>/VoIP/smarts/bin/sm_trapd \
    --server=INCHARGE-OI \
    --config=voip \
    --model=sm_actions \
    --rules=voip/voip_trap_mgr_parse.asl \
  2. Also, configure the Active and Standby VoIP Trap Adapters to forward traps to the VoIP Availability Manager. Use the instructions in the VMware Smart Assurance VoIP Availability Manager Configuration Guide.

  3. Use the service name ic-voip-notification-trapd-receiver to start the VoIP Trap Adapter as described in “Start the services for VoIP Availability Manager and VoIP Trap Adapter” on page 46.

    The VoIP Availability Manager processes the traps from the VoIP Trap Adapter. For more information, consult the VMware Smart Assurance VoIP Availability Manager documentation.